J.J. Vallow’s grandfather, Larry Woodcock, wore a special t-shirt to court Friday as jurors continued to deliberate in the “doomsday cult” mom triple murder trial. The shirt reads “World’s Greatest Papa” — he told reporters that he may not be the word’s greatest Papa, but he hopes he can be to J.J. and his sister Tylee Ryan. Prosecutors believe the siblings were killed by their mother, Lori Vallow Daybell.
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What did this lady say to him and why did she feel the need to interrupt him?
It's good to get this verdict!
He is ❤
What an amazing wonderful grandfather. Its nice to know J.j had real love from someone.
I'm extremely sorry I'm so tired to the young ones hurt and die, I pray God's wrath and punishment on the wicked.
He made me cry
Feeling wonderful? What? The whole situation is sad, even if justice is served. This guy is creepy.
I couldn't fathom having kids that later have kids of their own and something as horrible as this happens
blaring QUEEN from the streets of phoenix today in honor & celebration of JJ!
JJ looked a lot like his grandpa ❤
I hope they can bury their grandchildren now and when they pass one day they can be laid to rest beside them. 🙏🏻
He never gave up on JJ. He is definitely the world’s greatest papa. ❤❤
Poor Mr. Woodcock looks like he has lost half of his weight due to the very sadness and stress of losing J.J.
Huge thanks to this Papa they have been so loving to their grandchildren. They truly deserve to be as happy as can be without their grandchildren.❤❤❤❤❤May their mother be very unhappy in prison.
You are the WORLDS GREATEST PAPA, Larry Woodcock!!!!❤❤❤✌❤
JUSTICE was served
Papa has lost so much weight…❤❤✌❤
JJ wasn't even a blood relative to Larry but he took him in as his own. My God bless him and may he give some sense of peace till he sees JJ again. Much 💞 Larry
Such a great Papa 😢❤
Bye bye Lori!! Have a great time in prison!!! Next your husband will be in prison too!! Praise God!!
We love you Larry!!! God bless you and your family. Great news with the verdict. Thank you Jesus!!!❤🎉
It's easy to say I hope she suffers in prison, but I hope she gets help. Untreated mental illnesses led to this.
May your beautiful grandson JJ rest in peace. Beautiful lil boy.
He is so frail since the loss of those kids and his son. 😣
Larry and Kay. I hope you find some peace. She guilty on all charges xx
“What is grief, if not love persevering?”
💙may his grandson rest in peace
Best grandparents ever
JJ’s spirit lives on through his grandpa
My heart goes out to the families and loved ones of her two kids who did not deserve to die my heart goes out to the grandfather they Up in heaven looking down HU their grandfather they’re at their grandmother who want justice for what she did to her kids drop in heaven with God they got their wings and heavy those two beautiful kids
I'm so sorry for Him. His heart must really hurt.
I hope she is found guilty of all charges and is locked 🔐 up for life so his heart can begin to heal.🙏🏻🙏🏽
We will get justice for JJ his sister for you his grandfather you deserve the justice for your grandchildren if she did not want the kids no more she could’ve left the kids with her sister and her mother but instead she was behind him dying JJ and his sister did not deserve to die and I hope the jury gives her the death penalty
So sad for this sweet grandfather. You can see the age and stress has aged him even more from when this started! 😢
Such a gentleman!
Just LOVE Larry & Kay.. Larry is like a ray sunshine sent from God himself when he speaks… thoughtful, sincere, loving, kind… JJ was so lucky to have them as his grandparents. I’m praying so hard for justice for him and Kay. 🌟🌟🙏🏻🙏🏻🌟🌟☀️☀️🪽🪽👼🏻👼🏻💪🏻💪🏻💗💗
I so love Kay and Larry. God bless them. ❤😢
My heart is breaking for Mr. Woodcock!
He's very thin….
Bless the Grandparents and my 🙏🙏🙏to them
I just want to hug this sweet Papa!! He reminds me so much of my Grandpa 💕
Praying for that family, that a life sentence will be given because nothing less will ever do. 🙏 Praying peace upon the Woodcocks hearts and minds. The Lord is with you and the children are with Jesus now.
Our Hearts 💕 are with this beautiful family.
Those Grandparents need to be able to put those children to rest. It's cruel that they may need to wait another year until that Dumbbells trial. I hope they have the strength and health to wait. They are amazing people.