Charlie Tan, a Cornell University student, confessed to killing his father Jim Tan and claimed that he did it to protect his mother Jean. Jim allegedly abused Jean.
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Charlie Tan, a Cornell University student, confessed to killing his father Jim Tan and claimed that he did it to protect his mother Jean. Jim allegedly abused Jean.
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I doubt he will serve 20 years. He’ll probably get out in less time for good behavior. He’ll still have time to rebuild his life. Dad was abusive and hopefully the nightmare is over
These stupid lawyers sent Charlie to prison for 20 years😂
Sounds like they conspired together hoping this would be the outcome
Charlie Tan should be sentenced to life, now Charlie Tan feels like a celebrity, make me sick.
Free this good man.
Why is no one person discussing the abuse that Jean Tans husband was inflicting on his wife, Jean Tan had the motive and well justified motive to get rid of her abuser if the law did not protect her, law enforcement should be charged for their neglect in going after an abusive husband
That abusive man needed a killing. Good night. Let the Son and mother live there life and spend his money.
The reason the prosecutors went after him on gun charges was his arrogant attitude after the trial and his lack of remorse. He is a killer.
@ 0:01:04 — The "foreboding email" is interesting. If you pause to read it, you'll see he mentions a Latin phrase (making a statement that suggests he has a tattoo of it on his arm). Specifically, he says, "Non Sibi – how I like to think my actions reflect in the whole scheme of things." What does it mean, you ask?
Non Sibi – not for self
And this why you ALWAYS get an attorney, guilty or not.
Charlie Tan is so cute but he seems kind of arrogant. That white American influence.
glad this psychopath is behind bars for 15 more years. he should never get out. he even confessed to the murder to reduce his 20 year sentence. someone out there has to be commended for dotting the i and crossing the t,s. if it wasnt for them he would be out there living the good life after premeditated murder.
How do you say is too small to pull a trigger? How many toddlers have accidentally killed someone or themselves? Size doesn't matter on pulling a trigger.
the judge is a really good one.He practices law very well.
That judge is the real mvp and amazing!!! Love it! Especially threatening to have the DA jailed 😂😂👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Stupid lawyer should have told Charlie to stay in Canada, and not cross back over into the USA where he was arrested. Lawyer goofed up.
Thank you judge so much! It’s least he could do, because the police failed them over and over!
Did nobody fingerprint the gun? Lack of fingerprints leads to hidden evidence
They said found three different types of DNA on the weapon but never said it was the moms? Why not mention if her dna was on the gun if it was soooooo obvious the mom did it?
Before the mom and son's departure from this earth, one or both will confess the true details. Although I don't make excuses for the abusing party in domestic violence cases, she should have long gone. Leave the abusive husband behind…just leave the money and lifestyle behind. I know how some cultures view marriage and the submissive thing is more crucial in some cultures than others, but what mother really allows her child to take the blame for something she might have done? Dry blood…post rigamortus. What judge with the right ethics will just shut down & dismiss a trial without allowing ample time to prove or disprove…nor does he allow for the jury deliberation. There are a lot of components in this case that prove messiness from the start.
his mom did it. she hated him. so she shot of his face.
good for him. his dad was abusive. doesn't justify murder but he definitely got what was coming to a bully beating an innocent lady.
Good job done by judge and charlies lawyer
I'm glade Charlie is off hope it will stay that way nommater what
So they were so butt hurt about the judge dropping the case, that they got him locked up 20yrs for buying a gun used in a crime. Should his attorney say they just wanted to throw him away b/c they lost the case
Sometimes when you abuse your wife you end up with half a face.
I could never understand why a married couple cant live a simple life without being voilent. Never. Isn't it simpler than beating up someone?
oh that woman could have definitely had the capability to shoot that shot gun not hard to pull the trigger at all or hold the gun. for recoil? she would be tossed back for sure… anyone check her for injuries? could her bruises or damage to her shoulder heal in the estimated 4 days she didnt call police?
He did what is best for his mother.
I’m just glad someone took out this piece of crap. The police didn’t help her.
Who do I believe killed the abusive father? I don’t care! Glad the judge threw the case out.
This is complete injustice for the murder of this man. To dismiss the main suspect was insane! There have been people convicted of murder with way less evidence than in this case.