Ivy League Student Says He Killed Dad To Protect Mom – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Ivy League Student Says He Killed Dad To Protect Mom – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Charlie Tan, a Cornell University student, confessed to killing his father Jim Tan and claimed that he did it to protect his mother Jean. Jim allegedly abused Jean.

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42 thoughts on “Ivy League Student Says He Killed Dad To Protect Mom – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. Yet Jean Tan never went to hospital or have evidence of any physical attacks. Instead the only physical attacks were all done to Jim Tan. He had claim domestic abuse previously to the police.

  2. Agree his dad was a bad guy BUT Charlie showed NO remorse that he took a life and he was acting like the trial was a formality, a joke. His behaviour during the trial was seriously psychopathic

  3. If Charlie is still in prison he needs a new trial. I’m sure the psychological damage inflicted from that violent home could explain any mitigating factors that prosecutors might think made Charlie “guilty”. The fact the cops had been called out to the house during one of the incidents, saw red marks on the mothers neck, heard her say the husband choked her but didn’t arrest the abuser is mind boggling. If the cops had done something then Charlie wouldn’t have had to. There should be a protest about him being in prison.

  4. Fun fact: it was actually in a town in Rochester called Pittsford. It is so small it doesn’t even have it’s own police department. They use Monroe County Sheriffs. And Pittsford is an upper middle class neighborhood. Where one would expect Doctors, Lawyers and rich house wives to thrive in. You know… the town where it is common for kids to have piano lessons, swim lessons, dance lessons and even horseback riding lessons all before the age of 10. It has a tendency to come off WASPy. This kid came from a well off family. The news shook the small town of Pittsford. It’s kind of crazy seeing this story on Crime Watch considering how quick the neighborhood was to “brush it under the rug”. Out of Sight = Out of Mind.

  5. She was the abuser according to 25 911 calls! Why didn't Charlie an mom go to Canada then to China before killing dad? Not after? Charlie and mom should get life in prison! No proof of abuse!

  6. The father would never have given this woman (the wife) peace and would have likely tried to hide assets and not given her a proper divorce. Guys like these don't play fair. The son probably figured that with his dad alive his mother would never be free. I don't condone murder because now the son is tainted but sometimes, honestly, the only way the victim gets out is with the death of the abuser, otherwise just the opposite happens–the woman is usually the one that ends up dead.

  7. i know the American justice system has gone crazy with Trump pardoning all those people who should spend the rest of their lives in prison, but i think this incident is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!! CHARLIE TAN DEFINITELY MURDERED HIS FATHER IN A PREMEDITATED COLD BLOODED WAY AND HE JUST GETS OFF FREE?!?! i just simply can't believe this… it's almost like watching something that happened in an alternate reality…

  8. they must sure teach really REALLY important things to the students in these IVY leagues… like for example "HOW TO KILL YOUR DAD AND MAKE IT LOOK AS IF IT IS NOT PREMEDITATED 101" i bet Charles Tan got at least a passing grade on that course!!!

  9. Speaking from a strictly PR perspective, i think it would be good for USA's PR if Charles Tan spends at least a few years in prison… i think Charles Tan killed his father because he got fed up with him… He tried to make it look like it was not premeditated… i think he should have to spend at least several years in prison…

  10. i think Charles Tan killed his father because he got fed up with his dad beating up his mom… He tried to make it look like it was not premeditated… i think he should have to spend at least several years in prison…

  11. Who cares how brutal his murder was. There is evidence that the guy was abusing her! So if she or her son randomly snapped in a moment where he just happened to be taking a break for beating her, so what! Sons are going to protect their moms. It’s not uncommon to become ENRAGED at a person who is continuously abusing you.

  12. When it comes to shoots being fired I don’t know why they didn’t check for gun powder residue? It could’ve been easily identified who fired the shot.

  13. Why would she let her son take the fall for her? He has A while life ahead if him, he's got so many more years to spend in jail, and even if he's out, he's not going be able to get a good job. She on the other hand can just about retire, she doesn't have anything to lose! I'm shocked, she just allowed her son to basically ruin the rest of his life for her

  14. These videos are great, but its so fucking American. In the case of you hear the same thing and see the same video over and over and over and over and over.
    The show would be 2 minutes long if you excluded all this shitty buffer.

  15. What crappy defense attorneys. Blame the mother instead of pointing out the father's abuse. As they say, a man's accusing finger will always find a woman.

  16. For those watching, Charlie has been scentenced to 20 years in federal prison. The judge ruled that it was a premeditated homicide, Charlie allegedly had a friend purchase the shotgun and went back home to kill him. Charlie and his mother apparently wanted to go to Canada and fly to China from there…

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