A little girl on a school fundraising drive goes door-to-door and is never seen again. Did Brandy Myers fall into the death grip of an accused serial killer? Jason Mattera has an update on the so-called “Zombie Killer” case.
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Super distasteful when he had her watch the interview
That evil woman comming out with that knowledge & remaining with the beast after he d told her what he d done!! Wtf is she walking the streets for? She should be locked up!! I could tell when she spoke at the beginning of this "that she was a wrong one? Why I don't no, but o
Ive picked up on things yet can t pin point the reasons ( & have had this since ever since I was a child.) Its not many people i get it with but enough & obviously at the time I never said anything as it concerned two paedophiles one a necrophiliac !!But the truth came out about 20 yrs later & didn't suprise.me one bit. It's hard to tell people & expect them to belive you about things like these & I'd NEVER WRONGLY ACCUSE ANYONE OF ANYTHING so would have to be 100 percent certain. But their was something with that woman…
Anyway, I really feel sad for the sister whose left behind, she's a strong woman whose still heartbroken, she a got so much forgiveness not to hold a grudge against this woman( The partner of the beast that killed her beautiful sister) I'm so very sorry for her & anyone whose been through the same thing "losing a loved one" to evil. I just can't imagine the pain 💔 they go through. These monsters should definatly get the death penalty, & I'm someone whose against it, but in certain cases really it needs to be done.
Mom looks like a ex meth head.
Man what kind of cartoon characters do we have here
All sis was tryna do was raise money !!! He did to fuckin much !! That poor baby I hope that’s not how she actually went out because that’s terrible she just been so scared may she RIP AND NOW THE PARENTS WONT LET THERE OTHER CHILD KNOCK ON RANDOM STRANGERS HOMES!!!
These stories are so very upsetting, and disturbing.
This is a reply post regarding a article on Assault Against Woman:
For what is statistically true, or accurate, and even what is not included statistically, and all other crime such as this is what is ( violence against women) Always unacceptable…
Women have the Right to Feel and be Safe…
No woman…, or person….child…should ever have to experience this kind heinous personal intrusion in their lifetime, this seems to be occurring at least according to news reports more, and all to often.
Actually this activity should be in a stage, or state of Reversal, and NOT Increasing, I am continually upset as well as greatly disturbed in hearing such stories, as I have always have been…
My Heart Always… goes out to any person which have experienced any such similar experience of intrusion, attacks, and, or invasion of their personal well-being… due violence, and or violent behavior,
I will continue to pray for the Safety and Well-Being of Others…
Advocate of Humanity, Author, Writer, Poet, Safety Advocate
Jason Sandifer,
Most of these commenters don't realize that some of the things they show in these interviews are things the victims families have never seen, heard, or been informed of. They replay the recordings for the families to give them some kind of semblance of how their loved one died and to hopefully give them an answer as to why their loved one was killed or to maybe get more information that no one else would be able to give. The sound of someone's voice can give a family member or loved one that piece of mind or answer that they are looking for.
I think she wanted her to get kill because why is she going to door to door with out any adult?
Damn I thought when he was gonna playback the interview he was gonna show her more of the wife’s lack of emotion and how she kept it hidden not “he dragged her body in the house and slit her throat and killed her” like Jesus Christ what is wrong with this “journalist”
This reporter sucks.
What a monster I hope he gets the death penalty or life in prison and he dies the same way he killed those girls, my heart broke for the sister.. 😢😢😢, I am glad Brandt got Justice
Trial delayed due to Covid: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2020/06/21/bryan-millers-trial-killings-along-canal-delayed-due-pandemic/3233945001/
The guilt she holds on to 💔💔💔💔
That is really out of order, just to get an emotional response, not cool.
Does this state have the death penalty?
Wtf, he straight up killed the girl, wasn't about sex…. True psycho.
Everyone has there own options but i feel like these different interviewers are going over and beyond the duty trying to figure these cases out and thats hard enough… She wanted to do the interview they didnt make her she could have said no and didnt…. So may God keep these ppl that go face to face with some guilty ppl that they are trying to help others see and be alert at all times and may she rest in peace…..
Miss lipsy should be in a cell
I like crime watch daily
So you know he is into crazy stuff, tells you he killed and cut up a little girl, and your reaction was basically nothing 🙄 you didn't believe him but you where scared of him? So you did believe him you just didnt want to admit it to yourself. I get she was scared but to basically say she didnt think any of it, when she was scared of him, was a total lie.
She didn't know he was a monster while at the same time telling her he kills girls?stupid fucking bitch
That NewsMan is terrible, he Made her watch that video and afyter he casually asks, SO, WHAT U THINK? WTF MAN? He just saw how wife of a killer told how shes sister was killed, what the fuck you want from thi spoor woman? what a fucking LOW LIFE Newsmen
WTF Is WRONG With You? Killing A Little Girl? Maan Thats A New Low, Really.
I Would Lov eTo Meet The Guy Who Did It.
What a douchebag reporter.. To show the sister the clip of the interview describing how her sister was murdered. And ask how she feels about it? Are you freaking kidding me. Reporters will do anything to get a rise out of someone for ratings, I get it, But that's just pretty low.
You can't blame the parents for letting her go door to door. That's pretty cruel to put blame them. I mean WE ALL LET OUR GUARD DOWN in life sometime. WE do it when we DON'T PUT OUR SEATBELTS on too.
OMG! Hearing Amy tell that story kinda deadpan along with what he told her is just so startling and creepy. Hairs all up. Just damn. Dude needs to be terminated rapidly and with zero regard to his right to cruel and unusual punishment. Like even placed in a permanent stress position or sleep deprivation for 4 days a week until his rotten evil miserable soul is snatched from his being. Damn. Just damn.
Edit: the interviewer also needs to visit that punishment for a bit for making that poor lady watch that shit. He’d be the kind of guy to make parents watch their child’s murder or a sexual assault victim/survivor watch their attack. Just freaking mean and nasty.
That chick took time away from her oxy to be here today.
He’s not going to be charged with the death sentence! You know why?? He the lawmen will come up excuses and then he’ll just sit in jail! Or they’ll offer him a plea deal and instead of the death sentence, he’ll just get certain number of years in jail.
Asking her to watch the worst part of the interview about her sister……was pretty sick of Jason…..I'm beginning to believe he enjoys see people hurt!!
"I can't even imagine what you must feel like hearing these horrible things about your sister… But we really need you crying on camera and our ratings have dipped a bit because of that goddamn "To Catch A Predator" show so I'm totally gonna make you watch it. If you could really turn up the waterworks that would totally give me a leg up with the showrunner, thanks. Okay now let's go listen to someone describing your sister's brutal murder."