Investigation: The Disappearance of Phoenix Woman Cookie Jacobson – Crime Watch Daily

Investigation: The Disappearance of Phoenix Woman Cookie Jacobson – Crime Watch Daily

It’s one of most infamous missing-persons cases in Arizona history: A mother disappears, and as police and her family mount a massive search for her, cracks in their home life began to appear.

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35 thoughts on “Investigation: The Disappearance of Phoenix Woman Cookie Jacobson – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Doesn’t help look for his mom, multiple witnesses say they’ve heard him say he wanted to kill her; A CONFESSION and blood DNA blood found in the family trash cans and they are set free. What bum of a district attorney was the one that said cut them loose? Meanwhile hundreds of thousands if not millions sitting in prison for low level crimes. And I’m not excusing them but this justice system is so twisted.

  2. A 16 year & 13 year able to carry a dead weight must be incredible coz a dead weight is too heavey to carry more especially by two you testers like them that’s really incredible . Really sad what These young generations have no respect or regard for life they kill anyhow they can when they feel like without no remorse no fear ..

  3. Watching this many years later, I wonder if DA with balls has shown up and decided to prosecute these two pos. Cases without bodies do get prosecuted.

  4. I was Aaron´s highschool friend, along with Matt. he always talked about killing her. at school, at the store, bike riding, everywhere. he would joke about it. it got to a point where it was just a joke and we thought nothing of it. Until he missed the chemistry and history final exam that day. then told me when he got to school that his mom was missing and that´s why he was late. the first thing I said was "you killed her!"
    They threw the mother in the dumpster. Cookie was a bitch. both the kids hated her. Laura was actually Aaron´s blood cousin and adoptive sister. The father was cool and they loved him. Aaron was a good friend. a bit crazy and disturbed. A week earlier he told me his sister was in it too.

  5. Hmmm. I’m always skeptical when I hear that a kid made a confession. Kids are so easily manipulated by interrogators.
    I also don’t believe some woman at a grocery store heard the son say that.
    There’s been trials without bodies before. Either the D.A.s care more about their “wins” record than they do about justice, or there’s really no case against the kids.

  6. Lived in AZ at the time and for over a decade after. Have been into true crime since I was a teenager. Never once have I heard of this case and none of my AZ friends who are also true crime fans have ever mentioned it once. Maybe they could’ve found the body if they’d put more effort into getting the case out there.

  7. It's crazy how police can do amazing investigative work at times and find the smallest piece of evidence, something as simple as someone forgetting to rinse a bowl out, yet a case like this appears simple, and they can't figure it out. Something isn't right about it, because it seems either the woman wasn't dumped in the landfill, since they looked shortly after and couldn't find her or she was dismembered. Maybe the dad was involved? Idk but it's been so long now, that if those children killed their mother, they got away with it. At least, until God exacts His justice.

  8. Many people in the comments who are outraged at how easily people get away with murder, are on the verge of murder themselves if they don't control their anger at what's going down with these lazy mfkg cops and court systems. Just lock the f*****g boy up or I'll come out there and knock your empty skulls together to get some sense into you already!!!!!

  9. That’s bullshit, all they ever had to do was get a pathologist to say whatever substance found in those trash cans were incompatible with life. They let those little ingrate bastards get away with murder. Shame on you mr. Prosecutor, you didn’t do your job you didn’t even try.

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