He was a hometown hero – a prominent surgeon who dedicated his life to helping others. But after he fails to show to work one morning, a race for answers to the question: what happened to Dr. John Marshall? Matt Doran reports.
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Oh I love her response to her being involved! This woman is a BO$$ in her own right— how ignorant to even suggest.
Shadow government, a VA surgeon they wanted replaced to place someone dirty in his place..
The wife believes he was having an affair with a lady that was accidentally killed by her husband while cleaning a gun in there home (both former military)a week earlier.She was fixing to start working at the hospital this doctor worked at and her husband said it was an open marriage relationship.His iPod was still dry even after supposedly being in water many hours.A coincidence ? but in all these true crime stories the cops always say there is no such a thing as coincidences 😮..Sorry my condolences to the families.
I have always always struggled with why is it that it is always and I mean almost all the time the good person that dies I could never find an answer but now I believe we are immortal souls our consciousness never dies we just leave our vessel but the mind keeps working. I guess they need good people to recycle is the only conclusion I come to
That’s ain’t his daughter that lil girl Chinese the wife had something to do with it
Not a medical professional but the widow is and I tend to agree with her assessment and think the cops don't want to admit they botched the investigation so they're going to stick with " the medical examiner said drowning"
I think the dude killed himself. You never really know what somebody's going through man. And surgeons have a high rate of suicide anyways. And she's absolutely incorrect talking about the rocks wouldn't cause bruising. Not only would they cause bruising they would be severe along with lacerations bumps scrapes tears. I've seen bodies after they've been dead a while. I've seen bodies where it's a suicide and they jump into the water especially when it's cold. You would think looking at it if you had no context that somebody beat the shit out of that person. But it's actually a suicide. The way decomp affects a body is a bizarre thing especially when water is involved. And if he already had injuries like she said he had gone missing before and then he ended up in the water. It's completely possible that maybe he got mugged after he disappeared from the house but before he ended up in the water. He could have been in a bad place and that's why he disappeared in the first place. He might have been contemplating on how he was going to do it. And then somewhere along the way he could have gotten robbed. That might have been the final straw. But the whole military thing and then beating him and it being a top secret covert mission that is bizarre as hell. Why the hell was somebody kidnap him? There were no ransoms made there was no contact made whatsoever matter of fact. And what would be the motive? If you're going to beat somebody up I mean for financial gain they would have to be a ransom. If they hurt him because they were angry with him because he mishandled the patient or something like that, you're more likely looking at somebody that would shoot him then throw him in the water. I mean you're making the suggestion that the person that abducted him was so skilled yet so sloppy to leave bruises and dump his body where anybody could find it? That doesn't make sense. If it was an ops team you'd never found his body. And if you did it would have been because they wanted you to find it and there would be no question about if it was a suicide or not because it would have looked like a suicide open and shut. It's a damn suicide I'm sorry but that's what it is she don't want to face that I can clearly see that. But I'm telling you until you see bodies that have been in the water like I have I mean it's not farfetched to think that it's a suicide it's not
IDK sounds like a lot of conspiracy theory stuff
The police should have kept this investigation open, however they couldn't be bothered as they believed it was a suicide
The wife is actually risking her own life by investing this. Going public it's very dangerous yand nothing is doing done to catch this dangerous person who is capable of cruel murder, premeditated, covering it up afterwards, etc,. Very dangerous individual or individuals. His pockets was unzipped with iPod still in it, after 23 hours in that river? And a fall into the river? Being tosses around in the currents, before being risen to the surface? Not even a scratch on your legs, face , gloves off, nothing*. This is obviously terrifyingly terribly done. The police Dept, doesn't want to admit fault due to ego. It's your job. Smh. Dangerous and sad family has to investigate.
Something about dat wife🤔
I smell a rat. They should reopen the case.
Her own personal holocaust. Wtf?
John 3 16
the beginning GOD made man in his image who we know is Adam. When Adam and Eve sinned sin entered into the world. Sin equals death. God required a blood atonement because if you take a life then life is required at your hands. Since we are all sinners and sin is death we all would need a blood atonement for our sins.
Jesus Christ is one of the 3 manifestations of God. The word who came into the world as flesh. He came as the sacraficial lamb to make a permanent atonement for all of your sins. Without him you can not take away your sins and so this is why we need Jesus. He is the perfect man and sinless. God's only begotten son. His blood is perfect and can take away all of our sins. blood will be required at the end of your life because of your sins and if you do not have an atonement for your sins (who can only be jesus since his blood is the only requirement) you will go to hell forever
Yes case most definitely should be reopened! Too many inconsistencies!
Might be somebody in the department worked together collectively to hide the truth
Wow some investigators suck big time
5:46 she is guilty for eating that lie! I think she is involved..also i think investigator she hired are already know something and everyone is acting so they can away with murder!
"I'm facing my own holocaust ' is that not offensive to people?her husband may have been murdered but its nothing like what they went though
You’ll know the cops don’t even get it right
i lived in wa for a few years being military this was definitely 100% done military style and almost sure it was 2 soldiers with 1st group, WA police is total shit and theyre covering up for them. This needs to be re-opened im sure those soldiers are no longer stationed there they have either moved or ets.
If that’s what police call a thorough and extensive investigation, then they really need to go back to the academy or something. Hell, the wife did a better thorough and extensive investigation then the police did! That’s sad a person can do a better job then police. They are supposed to be trained better than that! I would like to think they were just lazy versus really being that bad at investigating crimes! I have a huge respect for Law Enforcement Officers and it’s sad to see the negligence of poor investigative skills demonstrated by Spokane’s Finest. I live about an hour and a half away from Spokane and I have always heard how good their police officers are. But now, I begin to wonder!
I can’t deal with Local Police associations ! It almost seems they are covering for someone no wanting to even look into the case more and just writing it off ! It’s a shame we have people like Dr Marshall who served our country in the military and then saved more lives in the operating room and they can’t even have the courtesy to help his wife who also had served and is a Dr ! What is this world coming to ?!
if one googles his name, you will find info about his affair with a women called Brenda Thurman ( she was shot and killed by her husband a couple of days before the doctor was murdered )
It’s crazy that someone was lying in wait for him. So he was being stalked for awhile to understand his routine or just watched with binoculars
How are all these stories of sloppy police work so common? How is this an on going issue! This definitely seems (in my opinion) a planned assassination and cover up. How horrible
Sad 🥺
Rest in peace Dr Marshall
He was definitely murdered and his murder covered up by police…why he was murdered we will never know. So sad. He obviously maybe discovered something the military was about to do or already doing and didnt approve. Justice for him and his wife!!!!