Lonnie Franklin Jr. was living under the radar, married with two children — but he was living a secret double life as a ruthless serial killer.
Full story: http://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/10/21/inside-the-lapds-grim-sleeper-serial-killer-investigation/
Inside the LAPD’s ‘Grim Sleeper’ serial killer investigation (Pt. 1) – Crime Watch Daily

Crackhead hunter 😂
00:52 "he made a critical mistake he let a woman live" a very strange statement .
He's a weak little man. That's why he did this. Some woman/women must've really made him feel as pathetic as he looks. P*ssy
They probably didn't care at that time as much bcuz they were black
Where is the part 2…..??????
I heard about him from one of his cousin that he also attacked. He died and I'm glad!
That makes no sense why would the killer report his own murder? That makes no sense so why even suggest that if you killed someone would you call the police and report it. Lol
BLM didn’t scream injustice on this case. No protest for these women who were actually trying to work.
That was one of his 2 friends that called & either he was there or close by or lonnie told him because he got a damn good look & had a lot of details during the call & how come lonnie didnt see him..how was the caller able to see so much without being seen himself unless he was there or told by killer himself…the caller does not sound like lonnies voice but sounds like the one friend with the camera/studio apartment that said he n lonnie used to compare photos…the caller sound just like his voice…when he talks n the documentary…he sounds just like the caller…not the friend that got beat up but the other one he compared photos with…i always thought that some of his family & friends prob suspected or knew something long before the arrest…especially the ones that hung around him (close circle)🤔but i bet the caller was that one dude he used to compare photos with…sounds just like him…naw im staying anonymous with a little chuckle…it sound just like him…they(his friends)admitted his ex was a crackhead & he hated crackheads & they(his friends) also admitted he liked picking up crackheads for sex & they(his friends)also admitted they saw him abuse them at times so nobody(his friends)thought it might be him killing these crackheads around the area…GTFOH…somebody knew something
My grandma live nextdoor to him and he helped her with her tv and one time he broke in to her house and stole jewelry from her
Good job Darryl Gates, Ted Lange, and the elk like you…..you could've stopped a serial killer, instead you chose ignorance.
Never heard of this guy before hearing of his death yesterday. The LAPD was corrupt for a long time but I can also see how it probably took them a while to see the pattern of a serial killer and why they kept things undisclosed from the public. He supposedly had well over a hundred victims but only about a dozen the police could for sure link him to. Don’t really care what he died from as I am sure it was a far better death than he gave his victims.
Heard the killer just “died”
Wow…Killing your own kind. These women must have been strung out, cause he unattractive AF. I wouldn't have given him the time of day.
Who’s here because of Gabriel?
Who’s here because of Gabriel?
c’mon Netflix, y’all know what to do
If people are getting killed in alleys why the police don’t watch the alleys 🙄 how do you keep committing crimes in the same spots in never get Caught
I just watched a 2 hour documentary on this man. I'm livid. There would be some of these women alive today if they acknowledged to the public they had a mad man murdering women on the streets. The more I watched thos documentary the more upset I got. You know it's bad when a women cant go to the police station to make a report because if you do you might be arrested for God knows what. I feel for each and every victim and their families. This puts my problems into prospective
what is the man in the back doing 😮 5:03
They kept it a secret because they were all black women
Damn! Who covers up a dead body with a car engine.
Was he sucking on their breast before he killed them?
6:03 my god that is an ugly witch of a woman///
First off Darryl gates ran LAPD during the 80’s and does anyone think he gave gave a rats ass about communities of color? There’s a better documentary about Lonnie franklin that puts the police in their place, it’s called “ justice by any means” the story about his capture centers around a woman Margaret Prescod.
Teacher turned activist.
Shout out to ugly mane
her breath was spunky…
This case was solved by a computer algorithm from the fbi dna database. Basically zero manhours from detectives.
Los Angeles isn't the "City of Angels" It stands for the City of Lost Angels
The documentary The Grim Sleeper is unbelievable. No one did Adam thing to protect this women!