Inmates reflect on prison time after committing crimes as teens – Crime Watch Daily

Inmates reflect on prison time after committing crimes as teens – Crime Watch Daily

Sara Kruzan is going back behind bars to talk to three inmates who continue to pay for mistakes they made as teenagers.

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35 thoughts on “Inmates reflect on prison time after committing crimes as teens – Crime Watch Daily

  1. I think they should get time but it must be very structured with mandated schooling, counseling and group therapy. Then psychiatric assessments should be done on them periodically through their incarceration with the possibility of parole when they have shown progress.

  2. It's like night and day when you've been a juvenille in trouble to an adult. The US have a problem incarcerating kids as the rest of the world combined has the same amount of kid lifers in the US, that says something doesn't it. Kids can grow cos they're still growing!! When you're a young adolescent, your neuron pathways in your brain are still growing too.

  3. His parents came home from a party early in the morning… I don't agree with his crime but I understand how this guy was abuse mentally and emotionally! Probably felt abandoned a lot!

  4. I have no problem with letting these use out once they are adults and have proven their maturity and remorse. …… But make sure they are in there fifties or sixties to ensure they miss out on all the life experiences of going up just like their victims did.

  5. 8:27 wait a minute now you are a lie bachelor's Is a stretch but how & when he gets out who will hire him being a convict ? Nevertheless many of us go in debt for this while he can commit a crime & demolish a family just like that ?

  6. The way covid 19 & fucked up bus rides are here in Houston TX and neighboring states a lot of us will be doing the same to survive , some essential workers just don't give a damn at this point as long as their job isn't in vain

  7. Defending a loved one in distress or defending yourself in a life threatening or sexual abuse situation. If you got to get out you got to get out ! SHOULD NEVER BE A PRISON SENTENCE . Also free Gypsy !

  8. Why is this just now showing up in my recommendations. I watch True Crime daily all the time Sarah is one of my favorite interviews I've seen. So where is she how come she's not on here? There is a place for her .being able to help those who have been assaulted, unjustly punished and those who are locked up or presumed innocent. Bring Sara back!

  9. My state worked on juvenile lifer sentences recently and I think all states should implement that. Of course, everything should be on a case by case basis, but realistically, you can't expect teenagers to rationalize 100% of the time. Their brains aren't fully functional as adults so why charge them as such. Some people don't or won't change, can't save them all. But, some of them definitely deserve leniency and a second chance.

  10. Everybody is a product of their environment…..when you get older and more mature…you realize that you can CHOOSE your environment….but thats part of getting older…..ya gotta learn the lesson….we aren't born all knowing…..people change everyday……

  11. I feel nothing for these losers who killed people. Matter of fact, I think anyone who 100% guilty of murder, rape, child pedophilia- should be killed.
    Every woman in prison for murder claims abuse. That’s a really Fd up excuse for murder when it’s abused. Also, growing up in the hood, I know girls who thought they were grown at 15+ who had sex for money. That one girl who was just released was not innocent bc she killed the guy in his sleep. They put pigtails on her to make her look innocent while her parents said she just wanted to run wild and be with her bf. Matter of fact, when they came to arrest him she was like, “I did it- don’t touch him.”
    A life for a life. These people who defend them don’t think about the victims families!!! My bro murderer is out bc he was a teen. This boy grabbed my other sisters P**y which prompted my brother to fight him. He killed my brother yet people want to say this guy was just a teenager. A teenager who sexually assaulted- and I feel like any man who touches a woman’s body without permission is RAPE- not assault, and he killed my bro. These activist don’t understand the trauma we went through

  12. This is insane but I think some of these guys are able to change their behaviors and become different from when they were children and made these horrible decisions and I don't think they all deserve freedom again however there are some very far and in btwn that should be able to try living life on the outside. Jail sentences for some of these crimes are fitting yet I'm not sure at such young age everyone should suffer in the system forever

  13. Our tax money pays for the dregs of society to advance go figure. They think they paid there dues ?? What about the victims and there families did they get there due??? Pathetic

  14. Inmates reflect on priston time? Piss on them, they did their crimes, now, do the time, but, shut the phuck up, and, die there for all I care.

  15. Murder is horrendous but I'm 39 n I no at 15 I acted on impulse and emotions instead of using my brain 15 year olds do not think of consequence I believe as long as they better themselves in prison n show genuine remorse then 15-20year is enough n they should be given chance at life. However there are more sinister murders by children which I would not agree with my own statement

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