‘I’m Innocent’: Convicted Killer Zachariah Anderson Addresses Judge Before Sentencing

‘I’m Innocent’: Convicted Killer Zachariah Anderson Addresses Judge Before Sentencing

“I’m innocent,” Zachariah Anderson said to Judge Bruce Schroeder before receiving his sentence. “I didn’t kill anybody.” Anderson was convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend’s lover, Rosalio Gutierrez Jr., and hiding his body.

#ZachariahAnderson #ObsessedExBoyfriend #lawandcrime

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34 thoughts on “‘I’m Innocent’: Convicted Killer Zachariah Anderson Addresses Judge Before Sentencing

  1. He Basically had to defend his Self ?
    this should have been his testimony to Jury .
    He must had Court Appointed New Public Defender wilh only Experience working with two Attorneys on Murder cases She

  2. I Agree 💯 I didn't see or hear any Facts of Physical Evidence that Proved he Killed him ? Questions
    His Statement Sounds like he was Charged Wrong with Murder and by Law A Legal Right To have Plend To Temperatary Emotional Insanity by Distress Due to the Fact Of
    Finding Out ⁉️
    His wife that he had children's with was Involved and had gone on vacation with her Lover or Boyfriend told to him by the Prosecutor Witness the Baby Sitter win he came to Check on
    the Childrens at their house..
    All in the Testimony and Statement of Witness and Baby Sitter for the Prosecutor side Questions !!?
    Win he Questioned her about Way his Children's Mother was gone or had left home with ⁉️

  3. It sounds like the victim probably had many people with a motive to harm him. He was shagging multiple women and had drug debts as well so not a nice character. The police had tunnel vision and only focused on one person. This often leads to false convictions.

  4. I just finished watching this case. Do I believe he did it? Yes.Did the State prove it? No. I think the jury concluded with their gut not actual evidence. The judge, was he even present because wtf 😳

  5. I don't think an innocent person being sentenced to life would be so calm and collected. There has to be some kind of emotion. Look at men like Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer and other psychopaths when they got sentenced. Complete emotionless.

  6. Studied alot of cases. And this is one where I feel Zach could be innocent. And that there simply wasn't enough evidence to say without a doubt he's guilty. No body no weapon and no real DNA linking him to the crime. There's proof his ex wife and her boyfriend the man who went missing. Planned on how they could make sure Zach lost the custody battle in court. So she had a motive to coach her kids and make him look guilty because she wanted sole custody of the children. Either way if you look at this case thoroughly. You should also come to the conclusion that there isn't enough to say without a doubt he's guilty.

  7. He's so in love with himself. But when his daughter talked about how he damaged her. Her crying and trying to get thru all the hurt he caused. Made me cry and I could see he atleast had remorse for what he did to his daughter

  8. If I am convicted to a crime I didn't commit…It WILL SHOW IN MY EYES…in my soul!
    a scream of justice and compassion…
    This Anderson is a cold bloody killer like a snake! no remorse no feeling….He is guilty plus DNA from Gutierrez was in his body…so?

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