‘I’ll Be a Good Boy!’: Intoxicated Man Gets Spit Mask and Restraint Chair for Fighting with Officers

‘I’ll Be a Good Boy!’: Intoxicated Man Gets Spit Mask and Restraint Chair for Fighting with Officers

In Austin, Texas, several inmates are forced to be restrained because of their belligerent behavior, including one man who had to get a spit mask for spitting on an officer.

Content rights fully licensed by Law&Crime via JAIL.

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35 thoughts on “‘I’ll Be a Good Boy!’: Intoxicated Man Gets Spit Mask and Restraint Chair for Fighting with Officers

  1. US system of police department and Jail is nice and excampalare, nodought, but they may need to check a little bit presener system of Al salvaDor to teach a lesson to the creaminals arrested, and punish from court of justice in USA.

  2. If I was the judge I would show these drunk videos to everybody in court, in front of them, their relatives, friends, boss, etc. when they are sober so they can realize just how messed up they were.

  3. Drugs and alcohol weaken the souls anchor to the self, which allows, let's say a negative force, into the physical vessel. Through the disrespect of the self, a door was opened and while intoxicated, a dark intention walked in and took up hiding in the closet of their "head home". We then have a dysfunction that isn't productive to the individual's goals for a successful life path. The secret destroyer's, those ethereal squatter's that relish in the abandonment of the self for that of addiction, this dark energy isn't about success. It will never let you succeed in anything. But your demise, your ruin. Basically you're screwed into mindless wandering and falling off the proverbial cliffs in life. You're just so messed up you don't even realize that you've already fallen.
    I think what we're seeing here, are those ruined lives, falling.

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