As the preliminary hearing for Idaho murders suspect Bryan Kohberger approaches, new developments in the case are happening nearly every week. Authorities released the search warrant for Kohberger’s Washington apartment and his Washington State University office. Plus, the accused mass murderer received additional legal backup with another lawyer added to his defense team. His lead attorney, Anne Taylor, is also pushing prosecutors to turn over all evidence being withheld from the defense leading up to his hearing. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie breaks it down with legal analyst Julie Rendelman.
Sierra Gillespie:
Julie Rendelman:
#IdahoFour #BryanKohberger #LawAndCrime
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sorry but no , they cant suddenly say that the DNA takes a long time , afterall they supposedly had Kohbergers DNA match very shortly after the murders that is BS
Lawyers who defend murders are a different type of evil
I always wonder if the lawyers work this hard for a case not in the spotlight.
Because of some podcasts I've been watching and the stories I'm hearing, parts of me feel he's innocent..but then there is a what if he's guilty? This trial is gonna be huge and I can not wait to see what evidence his defense team has!
2:09 He looks at her thinking, "you look like one of the ones I stabbed to death" 😭😭😭😭
There’s always a storage unit.
If they have any information on anything, that will clear this man, they need to put it out there, if a witness si afraid too bad, if they have proof he did it then show all of it, that us how the law works. Keeping it hidden, is unfair and bias
Bryan is innocent!!!
Imagine giving birth too a seriel killer…… imagine kmowing your son is mentally insane and you do nothing. His parents should speak up cowards if you ask me. As if you dont know your own child….. my adopted mum knows me very well. And she got me help when i was a mess. But im a good person suffered trauma i have ptsd and bi polor. His eyes say it all he looks like a pycho path……
What if he was innocent!!
BK is clever and his defense is good….this will be a fight as he avoided neighborhood cameras and used a silent knife…No close friends to confess too makes it satanic……
People, the case is open and shut as the Moscow PD have a mountain of evidence proving this evil thing murdered those kids. It will all come out at the trial in June.
He looks so evil
Prosecution doesnt have a strong case agains him. If that trial was today he's walking free.
Wishing everybody sunshine and kitties and ice cream smiles!!
We need to investigate the other 2 roommates. They know some stuff
The prosecution is dragging their feet as they have nothing and they are trying to put off the inevitable disaster.
creepy pos killed all those peiople
I can't wait to hear the outcome of this case, the rampant online speculation is wild!
There is something seriously wrong with this dude- hollow, dead eyes, his perfunctory and mechanical smile to his defense attorney. He looks like a sociopath who mimics the actions of normal human beings. And the justice system makes me SICK. Millions of dollars tax payers will have to spend on his defense because he is "indigent." His defense team will do a dog and pony show trying to get him off. And meanwhile, four innocent people lost their lives…Justice better be served.
Wow the judge looks very youthful
They need to turn the evidence over or this will just take longer
Never know when another one of them we snap
This isn’t even a question. Of course they have to give the defense their discovery.
Thumbs down your just repeating news & not giving anything new
I want him to be able to walk away from this if he’s not guilty and pay for it if he is.
This man is going to give us a really interesting trial,because he really believes he is above it all…….
The defense has the legal right to all evidence that the prosecution has. It’s called disclosure.
His stare is haunting . I sympathize with the families whose children are the victims of this horrific crime. I’m hoping the evidence is airtight.
How can he hire an attorney when tax payers are already paying several attorneys? Is he paying for it? If he did it, death penalty. Justice for Idaho four.
Scum of the earth. Him and his legal team. Crazy what flesh will do for money or power
Of course he should get the death penalty if he is actually the killer
What’s amazing is how they were following him across the country from Washington state to PA! ofc to make SURE he wasn’t about to flee to Canada or hop on a plane ✈️ to flee the country!
Recent high profile cases convinced me to stay far away from Idaho
I really hope the prosecution gets it together. You can't withhold evidence in a high profile murder case. This is subject to drag out for years and it just is not fair to the families and loved ones of the victims at all. These students were brutally murdered. Give them justice and so they can rest in peace. How is he getting top notch attorneys anyhow? I am going to assume they are all court appointed, he is not wealthy. I always thought court appointed lawyers were not as good. The new lady to his team seems like she is really good
it was a party and drugs house. When the truth comes out, people will be astonished
I curious and I’m sure it’s possible but can a hacker change the number of their phone to ping as if they were someone else?
gosh he is a scary looking dude
I think this is the defense, playing games. They wanna straight out the gate portray bryan as being man handled by the prosecution….its just a tactic
They have nothing on BK.. So many things is off
They have nothing on BK.. So many things is off
I'm a lover of true crime and i.havw watched and followed thousands of cases. But this one, my heart tells me he is innocent, all this is just circumstantial evidence.
Female counsel when he hates females. Genius
Madonna had Jesus as her Toyboy – Ashleigh Battlefield wants Kohberger. It's simple as that. And know she tells everyone he was an incell, because she wants the other younger ladies to believe that.
Wonder if he had his dad come up and drive home with him to try and create reasonable doubt that he was the only one who could have done the crime
There’s something fishy about this case. Something with the roommates we don’t know about… I really can’t wait to find out what actually happened
Being a incel he must be absolutely enraged that the judge and lawyer leading his case are all women 😅
Is that the prosecutor's first job or why doesn't he get it ready to privide the evidence. His game will not end if we don't involve the american president.