I Sent a Scammer Cash and Tracked It!

I Sent a Scammer Cash and Tracked It!

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I tricked a scammer into sending his money mule to pick up my package! The catch is that I was tracking the package and monitored his every movement!

Watch another video of mine where I did a similar thing: https://youtu.be/JgToEnJKRtA

Come hang out with me on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/pleasantgrn
And on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/pleasantgreen


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46 thoughts on “I Sent a Scammer Cash and Tracked It!

  1. /p''Rr(2''t) wrd LN'' art + 68'' || 70' VIN# in dshz ~tmp interpret by: wn wml/

    /R''(rw(IRT''n') 70s frd brth crt~r'' Dr.[sig2't~chutz par : S' fch op 70s] 70s crt hamerica/

    /induch mats in LN'' abv |I''| matrix~tmp Dr. + fch matrix//mch IR(w2''tvk|n''| [wrd LN'' art~tmp chutz : |z''|xy' S' interpret fch op 70s]//induch pasadena 68' SAN BN CLAIBORNE-tmp mats [dach tn h'' chutz : V. mike & Denise Heth(er)|ing''|ton fch op 70s/

  2. I’ve been watching your videos for 2 hours today. I’ve been watching for a couple weeks, but I am just trying to learn everyone’s strategies so I can avoid them.

  3. It was a dream when i saw my wife send money to someone she called her friend that have been deceiving her secrets to send her money it was all a scam not until tecxi_fy_cracks went through the case and saw she was sending money to someone not even close by he has been arrested by the FBI now the money he stole has been recovered. TECXIFY_CRACKS has been a good reputation..

  4. I got a funny one how about we just start sending scam call centres random things like a box filled with paper and not money we just send him a bunch of prop money like Monopoly money or something that looks like money, but instead has a random rude message posted on it

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