‘I Don’t Want To Wait’: Chad & Lori Daybell Text About Wife’s Death, Excitement To Be Together Soon

‘I Don’t Want To Wait’: Chad & Lori Daybell Text About Wife’s Death, Excitement To Be Together Soon

The FBI agent who testified in court Monday said Chad and Lori Daybell texted before and after Chad’s wife Tammy Daybell died about their love for each other and how a demonic spirit had entered Tammy’s body. The day Tammy died, Chad texted Lori “I’m feeling sad, but it isn’t for the reasons everyone thinks.” He also texted, “Missing you so much. I can feel you in bed with me, though. Can’t wait to hold you tightly every day and night.” Lori is currently on trial for the deaths of her two children, along with the murder of Tammy.

#TammyDaybell #ChadDaybell #LawAndCrime

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41 thoughts on “‘I Don’t Want To Wait’: Chad & Lori Daybell Text About Wife’s Death, Excitement To Be Together Soon

  1. I would die of embarrassment with all these sick comments that creepy man made, ughhh, yuckkkk, the shower comment was revolting, oh God and the visual has scarred my brain for life😂😂

  2. Are they drinking champagne in the wedding photo? Toasting to themselves? With dead children buried in his back yard, dead spouses, soon to be another dead sibling…I thought of comparing them to mafia, but mafiosos have morals.

  3. Why leave Melanie Boudreaux / Palowski ( ?) out of these Horrific lead ups , and murders , she is obviously equally zombie crazy , and an accomplice all the way

  4. The sense of nonchalant entitlement these two displayed in deciding who lives or dies
    is nothing short of grotesque. No moral compass, no regrets, remorse or compassion.
    These texts give us a rare glimpse into the banality of evil.

  5. Is it just me?…every time i see a picture of satan…errrrr
    I mean Chad Daybell…
    I see the guy on the phone at 2am on the phone in the gieko insurance commercial
    "She sounds hideous "
    "Welll ….shes a demon…sooooo"
    "Well……shes a

  6. Someone show these to Chad's kids. And if they still don't get it, they are too far gone, or they're in on this from day one!

    Also Someone should show Brandon B. The texts about Lori telling Melanie her kids were "3s/zs" and her accepting what their fate would be for his custody battle!!!

  7. Chaos started when Lori met Peter Griffin aka Chad. Lori is wrong and guilty on every charge for putting Peter Griffin before her children. She knows she ef'd up, big time, by sacrificing her most precious treasures for the ideas and fantasies of a lazy, penniless, thieving, silver-tongue, selfish, and wicked lifeform called Chad.

  8. I’m a bit shocked he didn’t also kill his children? Why did her entire family have to die? Why isn’t Lori’s mother speaking, did she not have her brother killed, I don’t care as I think he is the one that killed all of those innocent people.

  9. These people are living a fantasy. Unbelievable. My question is why his children were never mentioned as rated by Chad?Just Loris kids? This is one of the saddest cases I’ve ever seen. Truly something wrong with them. Your own daughter! Justice for them all the victims and family.

  10. What was the fascination with malachite wedding rings? Remember the text in which Chad tells Lori he soothed Alex with a "malachite balm" when was getting freaked after learning that Tammy's body was being exhumed? Has it occurred to anyyone that the dust from malachite, when ingested or inhaled, is poisonous? Did the malachite balm — however it was mixed and administered — get absorbed into his sytem and cause his pulmonary death? Did malachite have some unique meaning to Chad and Lori?

  11. If Chad takes the stand in his own trial, he needs to be asked:

    Lori’s son Colby is an adult and he is still alive, correct? answers Your own children are adults and still alive, correct? answers But, if any of your children were minors, would you have thought they were “good” or “bad,” or was it only Lori’s children that would have been the issue? 🤔 answers

  12. I pray the jury delivers guilty verdicts on all charges! Justice for Tylee, JJ and Tami.
    Too bad the death penalty is off the table. Hopefully she will be sentenced to death when gets a guilty plea for Charles’s murder !

  13. This should teach every one about religion and following a person that speacks to you with some religious authority. WRONG IS WRONG. You are on your own when you follow false prophets

  14. WOW… you guys made this picture look like Tammy is attending their wedding. Tammy's shirt matches the wedding colors perfectly. Maybe Tammy is saying to Lori, "You want Chad so bad you can have him." I was done with him anyway. He's all yours, good luck. Oh ya, Lori, I know you thought you were done with raising children, but speaking from many years with Chad, you now have another child to raise. Good luck. He's pretty lazy and hates working for a living. 😂😂🤣🤣😂

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