David Warwick, the husband of “doomsday cult” mom Lori Vallow Daybell’s ex-best friend Melanie Gibbs, admitted to the court he listened to some of his wife’s testimony when he was not supposed to. The Law&Crime Network’s Gigi McKelvey explains what happened.
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David was watching Melanie’s testimony so he could get their stories to match🤬. David and Melanie should be prosecuted. These quakes are knee deep in everything Lori and chad.
I’m a subscriber and signed in… and getting annoying ads while watching this. Is anybody else getting ads?
The things you do for love.. crazy murderous things.. Love Grandma Debbie
Let's see if DW's testimony changes during Chad's trial.
Lock him up it is only right
Video title may as well have been "I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate."
That heading has been written terribly, the sentence structure is appalling
What is going on in this womans head.
Mann, ist die gestört. Was hat die zu lachen?🤬
There's way too many Church cults that Sacrifice children's lives and Adults lives that are getting away with Murder all Over the world 🌎 Lori is going to get off lightly unfortunately. Absolutely disgusting . I can see it already .
People need to listen how life with severe autism can be. All this Neurodiversity junk – like normalising and celebrating an ILLNESS- is infuriating to me!
Thanks GG
Thanks Michelle
Guilty whether influenced or not. If I said jump into the fire or throw your children in there, would you? A case of a few flew over the cuckoo's nest.
hope she,get's the death sentence.make a big,example out of her.people,just never learn.
Chad and Lori got married in Hawaii AFTER the murders, correct?
There is no "z" in Boise! Jewl wrote a whole song about it 😁
Chad was going to be next …
it's weird how that sargent moffett screwed up that whole charles murder and then got a promotion. that is not logical. nothing investigated although alex tried to kill her other husband, was a felon but had a gun at loris to kill charles, ect…
JJ was climbing on the walls and cabinets and knocked over a picture of Jesus. So she called Alex to come and get him (i,e take him out and murder him). She loved her Savior so much that absolutely could not tolerate a picture of Jesus getting knocked over!
I can only imagine what Jesus thinks about what she has done.
So wish this trial was televised.
You can not say cult. Its a unreconized religion. Some saying its a cult make it by law the definition of a religion. Now the unreconized religion can sue for hate speech. Never say cult. Always say unreconized religion. Now they may have an un fair trial based on their beliefs.
Law&Crime…can you Please….remove Kyle R from your program intro. He must love to see himself decked out with his weapon and you are giving him unjust notoriety
Folly a Deux
Strange that they never did an autopsy on Adam. He had some failures as a "hit man" and seemed to realize that he was a scapegoat too late.
Warwick is a strange man
If witnesses started talking about visions and I was a juror, I’d have to consider those statements as questionable. Anyone that would follow Chad Daybell needs their head examined just like Lori.
She’s one happy infanticidal mom.
Yesterday's witness.
He did that on purpose…
Look at that grin & she is the epitome of evil.😡
Very obvious the defense plans on blaming Chad and Alex, Lori is the “poor victim” of his influence🙄
Death sentences for both of them please…
Good job Gigi
I'm questioning the whole sending her oldest son 5000 a month. Yet she was almost broke. But could fly to Hawaii
Giggling when you have slayed two innocent children???? Being a judge, you’d only have to see one smirk and you’d call the verdict in a heartbeat ..!
Gigi is da real MVP
Smiling at cameras. Disgusting
Zombies 😳🤷🏻♀️.. zombies zombies .. wtf is happening in this world . Give her and her little boy man chad the death penalty- no trial – just death ..! How dare these inhumane imbeciles use Jesus in their twisted cult and beliefs .. seriously this is very wrong on so many levels and layers . !
Whoever is drawing the courtroom sketches is really good at making attractive people look very homely.
Gigi is awesome!
Why do they keep talking about evil spirits there is nothing like that it's just plain evil monsters who killed these family members to rid themselves of caring for the children
David should have known better. What’s the problem with picking up the phone and calling his wife and asking how she was doing? He and Melanie Gibb may be witnesses but they are both idiots.
Suggestion for Chad Daybell’s next book title. Delusions of a Meglomaniac.
Great job Gigi
#1 Warrick actually wanted to see JJ, to see if he was a ZOMBIE!!! Not to say good-bye.
#2 Chad had scratches on his neck FROM JJ!! Why was JJ fighting Chad???
#3 This has been corroborated.
They all knew!Rexburg is a hotbed of EVIL
This evil woman singlehandedly destroyed religion by joining an Excommunicated Mormon who was nothing to me but an enabler because he is a weakling.
Lori’s Attorney Archibald sounds like a serial killer from the 1800’s.
She is a cold blooded Psycho
I can't with those idiots!