How Does the Constitution Protect Liberty and Prevent Tyranny? – FIS No. 56 – Everything Law and Order Blog

How does the Constitution protect liberty and prevent tyranny? This is the reason why America is exceptional. The Constitution was designed to create a fragile balance of powers, with safeguards in place against tyranny. It’s essential to understand these concepts in order to understand the problems we’re currently facing. #ConstitutionalLaw #Liberty #Tyranny

Also, I’ll take a look at that Virginia police video which has been making the rounds on social media and give my analysis and some applicable law that could be important.

Here’s the long version of the Virginia video, for reference:

Description: Norfolk, Virginia — Two Virginia police officers have been sued for allegedly drawing their guns on a uniformed Army officer during a traffic stop and spraying him with a substance. U.S. Army Lt. Caron Nazario was driving Dec. 5, 2020, in his newly purchased Chevrolet Tahoe when two Windsor police officers, Joe Gutierrez and Daniel Crocker pulled over Nazario, while he was dressed in uniform, according to the lawsuit filed April 2. The officers’ body camera footage shows both exiting their patrol cars with guns drawn, while 2nd Lt. Caron Nazario had his hands held in the air outside the driver’s side window as he told the armed officers, “I’m honestly afraid to get out.” One of the officers told Nazario, “Yeah, you should be!”. The officer then pepper-sprayed Nazario, exercised knee-strikes to his legs and placed him handcuffs. The stop happened on a night in December after one of the two officers said Nazario’s SUV had tinted windows and didn’t have a rear license plate. Now, Nazario is asking for at least $1 million in damages and for the court to rule that the two officers violated his rights, including rights under the Fourth Amendment.

How does the Constitution protect liberty and prevent tyranny?


28 thoughts on “How Does the Constitution Protect Liberty and Prevent Tyranny? – FIS No. 56”
  1. You really had me until you got to the voting stuff. Every citizen should be able to be made aware of their importance at the ballot box. The grass roots collecting of voters is alot about educating people about their power, alot of us simply feel like our votes don't count. Granted this video wad made 3 years ago…the fraud claims have been thoroughly investigated. The entire claim was false.

  2. To be honest, the Constitution does nothing to protect anything, if it did there would be liberty now but the Government doesn't care about the Constitution and violates it at every turn. If the Constitution had been given teeth then there wouldn't be the tyranny that is present today. If we comply we are persecuted, if we don't comply the same thing happens.
    The difference between the US and the USSR is the people in the USSR didn't put up a fight when they were being dragged out of their homes, here in the US people do stand up and they are armed which makes the Government very leery of going after people in a group. As individuals, they have no problem but as a group, they are afraid of them

  3. "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a [fierce] master." -George Washington
    "The primary function of government is to protect the interest of the opulent minority against the majority. -James Madison
    "The constitution is a <expl dele> piece of paper." -George W. Bush
    1. Tired of hearing about that expl dele piece of paper.
    2. TPTB have, for all intents and purposes, monopoly on the use of force and violence.

  4. I seen your not sure how to take this to court. Well I think I just watched a video with your answer. A Dr. Fleming he knows his stuff and wants to do a war crime on those who are in vold in this a bio weapon and knowing what they were doing was and will kill or hurt we the people. He looking for some lawyers to help him with the law suit. I found the video on rumble. He calling for a Nuremberg trial. The gent who has the video is named David K. Clements. The title The covid 19 experimental drug vaccine are dangerous the call for the second Nuremberg trials I hope you look into this. It's time we stop with all this craziness and take are country back and get back to common law. If you think you can help please ask your 2 friends in this video if they might want to help also and any other lawyer's you know. God bless you and stay safe fighting evil is not something most are willing to do. Keep your faith it's time this is all brought to the light. Godspeed

  5. The "Constitution" does not protect OUR FREEDOM and INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, the "Declaration" does, the Constitution prescribes how "public servants" will behave!

    The Bill of Rights and Amendments clarify some of those rights that are enshrined within it!

    Ya'll have MISINTERPRETED the Constitution!

  6. The 14th Amendment prevents Congress from making laws against the states.
    National safety advocacy groups advise to not immediately pull over, but look for a well-lit spot for your safety. This rebel soldier readied his camera and pulled into the well-lit gas station. He complied as well as he could considering there were conflicting commands.
    The gubmint hates that you are free. The guvmint hates the free people that hate them. The gubmint is legislating the Constitution into the toilet. Sleepy Joe is the current tyrant but he is the most aggressive one too. He could use a lobotomy.

  7. We need to demand the agents of government have a liability insurance policy to pay for these damned cases because no matter what we end up paying as tax cattle! We get screwed up front and from the back by an organization that " investigates" itself when committing crimes

  8. You would think if the average traffic stop was that damned dangerous maybe you would question not only the efficiency but the morality of pulling people over to " protect " us by being what can't be recognized as anything besides a revenue collector of the state. And maybe it wouldn't be the safest job to further rob people of their wealth for what can only be described as a very inefficient means of creating some form of " safety". How many speeders and reckless drivers do you encounter on ANY commute? That is the " protection " being given to us by a group of people who are supposedly a servant yet act as kings. I agree its nothing about race! These agents of the state have qualified immunity and all the granted protections of the state as well as the Supreme Courts ruling saying they DONT HAVE TO PROTECT YOU!! POLICE HAVE ZERO DUTY TO PROTECT US! look it up!

  9. Mike Lindell’s FRANK platform launches on the 20th. You would make an EXCELLENT governor of West Virginia, or Florida when The Honorable Governor Ron DeSantis runs for President.

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