On this episode of “The Disturbing Truth,” we dive deep into the horrific tragedy experienced by Brianna Lopez at the hands of her family.
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That trick is in Texas
🌹… 1:39
Her little beat up hand… If her tiny beautiful fingers looked like that, what did the rest of her look like 😢? Monster isn’t even sufficient. I hate these people. Pure evil…
They are all 3 monsters. Life in jail
Rest in Peace little Angel ❤
Monsters Prison Justice
Sign up to keep them in prison 😢
I don't think ican comment due to community guidelines😢
I saw this case years ago and It still haunts me. 😢 her and Gabriel Fernandez’s cases are horrific. I live in Oregon, I will go protest to keep her father in prison smh
The worst child abuse story I've ever heard. Monsters.
one monster afer the other. i have lost faith in humanity really. monsters everywhere. from parents to siblings to kids to spouses.
when I watch these vids I cry so hard and go hold and kiss my 6month old beautiful bbg. sometimes I even pray for her. how can u be so cruel to a new life that doesn’t even understand.
after all that horrible abuse, not to allow Brianna to be memorialized. true monsters.😢
I can’t watch this, sorry.
She knew it
The dramatisation of this is ridiculous
Wow 😭😭😭😭
If they are going to allow these lab experiments to stay alive I vote for immediate castration and a complete hysterectomy upon entering prison!! Look at Casey Anthony..she had another child! This needs to stop!
Someone needs to explain this evil to me. It's beyond baffling. Are there any psychologists here??
Thank you for the warning that maybe we should skip this one, I wish I heeded the warning 😢
I would like to sign this petition
it's 2025???????????????????? What's new??????????????????????
R.I.P little Brianna🤬😭😭😱
How can people be so EVIL .
What happened to Junior?
How do I get a documentary? Missed it
Gives me the chills. Just can not understand how you can do this?! Why? R***e a 6 month old 😢😢
The “famous” photos of baby Brianna is sad because she had already passed away and the officer on the case took it because he said “it looked like she was just sleeping” breaks my heart man! They put the cage cause they are heartless and didn’t want others to show love to their daughter smh
Poor baby monsters
Absolutely heartbreaking, 😢😢😢😢
Who is the most evil family member of the baby girl?
I came across baby brianna years ago. The case has haunted me since. She had noone. Rip little girl. Your free from pain and torture now xx
Draaaawn out tooooo much
this story is making me sick. why?? why do people like this get to have children and those want to love and raise children cannot? Not even animals do this to their young.. so i agree with the comment that says " what an insult to animals"
Drugs are so bad in New Mexico. Specially in Las Cruces and Alamogordo methamphetamine is cheap. Those three monsters were all on meth,
This is heartbreaking 😢😢
The family didn't protect that baby and then they have tbe audacity to try and stop others from honoring her in death!?
I wonder where her 18 month old boy is currently at… I think about him every day Briana will always be in my heart and mind she is the reason I did a whole career change learning her case was heartbreaking
They sure ever let them out EVER … all guilty really hope they get same abuse they did to the baby in jail …
Spiritual Law will catch up to them
I’ve watched this story on other channels and I’ve seen this BEAUTIFUL PRECIOUS baby’s photos of what these ANIMALS did to her and they were horrific. They need to have done to them what they did to her. Actually I shouldn’t call them animals because even animals don’t do to their young like some humans do. This darling little child couldn’t defend herself. That’s what PARENTS are supposed to do and I use the term parents very loosely because they are NOT parents. They aren’t even human🤬🤬🤬And the grandmother is just as culpable!!
RIP darling Brianna😢
This is the lowest form of human life and they all should’ve been treated the same way they treated the baby. The remaining child should’ve been placed in foster care and psychiatric observation and therapy and watched carefully. He’s going to grow up thinking that behavior is normal.
So sad! If she had lived, she would’ve spent her life in a wheelchair.
I can’t begin to imagine the fear and horror she experienced.
How didn't that grandmother not hear the baby cry what? H*** that lady she is a monsters as will that families have no reson having any children they should take all there kids away thats a monster family monsters monsters makes me mad
This is sick that they let the “mother” out and now the “dad?”
No justice what so ever!!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 I hate the system 😖🤮
These monsters are now free, her mother has a new name and location