‘His Nose is Smashed to Pieces!’: Chaos Erupts in Jail Cell Over Phone Dispute (JAIL)

‘His Nose is Smashed to Pieces!’: Chaos Erupts in Jail Cell Over Phone Dispute (JAIL)

Two men get into a brawl in a cell after fighting over a jail phone. A man arrested for DUI is caught eating marijuana while being booked into jail.

#LawAndCrime #Jail #JailFight

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50 thoughts on “‘His Nose is Smashed to Pieces!’: Chaos Erupts in Jail Cell Over Phone Dispute (JAIL)

  1. Two things I can’t stand Liars and Drunks! I have zero need or want for any of them. All of these people are why I can’t stand D*** drunks! Especially when they get behind the wheel. I don’t care about or what ever happens to them, it’s all the victims on the road, the innocent that is their victims. The elderly,Mothers , fathers children whole families. And the nightmare of property damage.
    As for Mr “Good attitude” made me sick, the officer informed him the woman had to to go to the hospital and he mad light of it! Typical Drunks!
    Shauna is the perfect example of a filthy drunk!!! You could hear the contact!
    Sadly DAs and judges only slap their fingers!

  2. Man, I've been watching these videos for a few years now and Florida corrections is the worst. I have never been in jail, but the way they treat inmates verses how the other facilities do is drastically different.

  3. this is the first time I see a crime happened inside of the jail 😂 omg thanks goodness he doesn't kill him wow unbelievable poor guy his nose needs to fix in hospital immediately he must pay a lot of money coz he hurt the guy this is very dangerous crime

  4. Um…cameras? Just saying…

    Most of the people that come through here are simply children that never f@cking grew up. Egos, insecurity and immaturity…plain and simple.

  5. Once again the female deputy can't handle an arresstee. Into honey if you turned his pocket inside out you would have found the MJ. Need to learn to do your job correctly.

  6. Shaw needs to find another career. He doesn’t need to be a prison guard based upon what I’ve seen of him. And the woman who works on the same shift follows closely.

  7. See this is exactly what I mean folks. You break the law you go to jail. You lose all of your freedom. You have to fight every day for your life. If you don't you will get sodomized beat up stabbed or worst! stay out of jail stay out of trouble."

  8. The cord is so short on that phone, the fact they think he could break someone’s nose either that phone is complete garbage 🤣 you can’t swing with a cord that short 🤣

  9. Ive punched things my whole life, my two front knuckles are mountains and could 150% smash someones nose to pieces due to the conditioning of them. No flex just facts, true fighters have rock solid knuckles.

  10. I just don't understand why the Sheriff departments continually refuse to put cameras in all rooms/cells where detainees are held… don't tell me that it is because of privacy or budget constraints — it is for safety and security. And if it is to protect department personal from privacy, cameras should then become an enforceable law applied to all detention centers and prisons; that's to ensure that certain 'bad actors' are held to the same level of scrutiny of the law as it is for all suspects and criminals.

    In this particular case, I believe both parties were equally at fault here, both the old guy and the young kid. I am certain if there was video evidence, we'd find the old guy got loud and pushy, and the kid not having it… and we then only see the aftermath here… both at fault for misplaced macho BS.

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