Must watch! An ordinary school board meeting descends into chaos after a crazed man walks into the room, pulls out a gun and threatens to hurt everyone, including himself.
Heroes act to save others as gunman attacks school board meeting (Pt 1) – Crime Watch Daily

So this guy spent half a decade in jail and he gets to do whatever he wants after release ….. ok america
‘’Oh… ginger is fixin to get blown away’’ dawg💀💀
puzzling behavior from duke;
very opaque.
the school board better change they're curriculum
This is why you cant trust what women say, he head the gun that there at my head making it seem like he was about to kill her 😂 he didnt even point the gun at you
Ginger fall out 😂😂😂😂😂
Boy, do we need heros like this today.
Parents standing up to school boards the right way 👍
Man got a gun and thought he is Liam Neeson!
Guys I understand that the guy isn't die but give him credit, he could've died, probably had more balls than the rest of you guys.
Did they run out of pie? Is that why he’s so crazed 😂
Those crazy liberals
Bet they won't bet on some dumb woke sh*t now….lol
Damn can you imagine how badass it would’ve been if he went full Joker on all of them 🔥💀😂
A pocket book lady? Cmon. She had more balls than any man there.
Ginger is an idiot.
Imagine making the circle first. What a fucking wannabe.
I'll bet you anything that woman was all turned up on pain meds.
0:27 It's crazy that the man on the left in the gray jacket didn't react what so ever.
I hate videos like this because now we don't know what happened … 😮
Poor ginger chiiile I would have been always home
Im going to hell for laughing at ginger😂😂
They work in a no gun zone. So i dont even feel bad for them. Maybe they should reconsider their no gun policy. Police shouldnt even be allowed to help them because police have guns
That women with the purse was willfully dumb & over dramatic. How was that going to disarm?
So did he kill the guy who signed the papers?
Shows you how big of pussys that we hire/elect. Except the guy that took him out.
Seems healthy & able bodied enough to get a job if you ask me. Shit I work in the oilfield and I know men who hobble around really bad when they walk, and men with horrible health & limitations. They work 80-110 hours per week. So this man doing this over money is just ridiculous. Clearly he’s abusive to some extent If you look at his previous charges, and probably makes his wife work to earn all the money while he does nothing.
Shoutout to Ginger. Being that old, and weak, yet still trying your best to save lives even though it could mean your life ends. What an amazing women 🫡
Bro went to start a shooting JUST BECAUSE they fired his wife 💀 ☠ 💀
MORON wtf was that gonna do? literally the scene from spider man 2 lol
God damn it, Ginger! 😂
That who got shot was the Hokage of that council😢, protecting everyone in true Kage fashion
Wow this is my first time seeing this, what an incredible thing to see! So glad everyone was okay ❤
That woman is no joke, she fought back, I respect that.
Go Away Mr Nobody 😢😢
Oh My God 😨😨
Ginger isn’t a hero. She’s an idiot. She could’ve gotten everyone killed prematurely by acting without any real course or semblance of a plan, knowing pretty well that she only had a one swing change and was completely outsized and outgunned. Good lord…. I can respect her bravery and I am glad she is okay but seriously.
Imagine if instead of all this pleading they all pulled out their own weapons loaded and ready to go and pointed theirs at him. There were plenty of opportunities. Think about how quickly that fat turd could've realized he messed up.
That woman is brave beyond measure she stood up and tired to help took lot of courage
I got layed off from the School Board. But I didn't pull out a gun. Instead I got on the computer when no one was there on the weekend and looked at ALT Sex Stories. LOL And women in Lingerie.
Did she say "at my head"
Ginger ACTUALLY did a fair job, had she hit him HARDER she MIGHT have knocked the gun out of his hand, but it would be up to at least one board member to TRY and tackle Duke, which would probably have NOT gone well at all.
"six men staaaaay" what is this, an Eastwood or Wayne Western? hahaha the way he said it. Or mutiny on a ship or military or something, hahaha.
2:45 she’s lucky he’s not a real killer her brains 🧠 would be on the wall
people are retarded . This video explains alot.