Help solve the mystery of who killed Adrienne Salinas

Help solve the mystery of who killed Adrienne Salinas

Early morning on Father’s Day 2013, Adrienne Salinas went missing from Tempe, Arizona. Two months later, on August 15, her partial remains were found near the Apache Trail in a wash at the base of the Superstition Mountains.



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47 thoughts on “Help solve the mystery of who killed Adrienne Salinas

  1. She's drunk driving, but the bf is to blame, even though he got her home the first time, and she chose to go out again. Yeah, right. And it's the cab driver's job to get to her, not vice versa. I think she was raised in a bubble, never got any practcal advice, like how to deal with a taxi, including TIP.

  2. this poor father , i can feel and see how much pain he is in , hope he heals as best as he can one day and may god bless him and his family . Adrienne Salinas would still be alive if her boyfriend was not such a douche , he openly flirted with girls in front of her and then failed to meet her and try and get her to console her and make sure she was safe and we do not know if he had anything to do with her disappearance but he does not seem to give a shit about her and never showed much emotion .

  3. How do we know she isn't already unconscious in the boot of the taxi?drives across the forecourt just to make it seem that he was looking for his customer,did she call the taxi company back?

  4. her phone carrier should have all the canctas her phone number can be search with out a phone only with her phone number. did she have a snatchat? instagramm? someone she told screats to someone she mate called after calling her boyfriend

  5. Superstition mountains? Have any other bodies been found there? Sounds like a place a twisted serial killer would have used. If any other bodies were ever found there….curious about that. I pray the killer will be caught some day!

  6. I jumped out of my exes car multiple times during arguments…. in 6yrs he never once left me… If you care about her, no matter how upset you are SAFETY COMES BEFORE EGO OR ANGER! NEVER LEAVE ANYONE LIKE THIS KID DID! THEN IGNORES 40 CALLS FROM HIS DRUNK GF. IT IS KIND OF THE BFS FAULT. SUCH A FANTASTIC DAD BUT THESE MEN ARE COWARDS AND DEAD BEATS!!

  7. After watching the documentary on it, I think these would be the first couple things I would bring to attention. First the guys friend Brian think his name was, the guy committed of the two homicides in the 90’s. He even stated that he use to go there, and to check around the same area that happened to be where the body was found at. Just seems very old out of all the places in AJ, that would be the place they would want to check, nobody just does that. I live in AJ and I’ve never been to that area before, or heard of it. Plus the fact he was only a mile away from where Salina was from, she could have easily walked by the location that he was at, and happened to see her, I would investigate more about what was the Brian guy doing and how he was acting, did he leave around maybe the same time. The friend in the video felt, guilty, had weird feelings, happened to know where the area was at, he would defiantly be on my radar, then lastly I would ask that taxi driver, did he see anything out of the ordinary, hear any noises, see any strange people, I mean he was suppose to be in the same area as her, he may have heard or seen something that look strange. Just my two cents, poor baby was taking away from this world early, some disturbing people in this sad world.

  8. So many of these stories start with someone out late at night drinking!! For the love of God stay home! You're not missing anything by not drinking. Well you actually are missing a lot. Potential DUI's. Hangovers. Money woes. A word to the wise-sober up sooner than later. You won't find yourself out at 4am getting abducted. Sad sad story.

  9. They should interview her friends/people at the party if they've seen or heard anything out of place when Adrienne was at the party etc. if she had left with someone or did somebody tried to offer her a ride or anything like that.

  10. I Lived in front of the ampm after her disappearance. I would take taxi's to and from my work all the time! I honestly think that after the phone call to the cab driver, he instead of waiting .. drove over to where she was at and picked her up . Cab drivers on numerous occasions have turned off their METERS and had me pay cash up front (NOT LEAVING ANY EVIDENCE OF A CAB RIDE EVER TAKING PLACE) …

  11. Either the boyfriend or whoever she called for a ride before the taxi cab. Someone could've offered her a ride and that person may have killed her. Sad Praying for the dad.

  12. The boyfriend sounds suspicious — “she just hopped out of my car, and that’s the last time I ever saw her”. Load of BS.

    Doesn’t show ANY emotion either.

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