After exchanging solicitous texts, a 60-year-old man looks to meet up with a 13-year-old boy — But this isn’t the first time Chris Hansen has seen this creep.
Hansen Vs. Predator: Accountant adds prison time trying to net boy (Pt 2) – Crime Watch Daily

That 13 year old is about 13 years into his midlife crises lmao
Me my wife and my son
if he is an accountant, maybe he could have helped chris hansen stay out of jail with his money troubles
The phrase "Seattle Bareback Boys" has lived rent-free in my head for years since watching this segment.
Very good Hansen vs. Predator part two video!!
Confused why I see no comments here roasting the decoy and both his age and his acting skills. Thank you all for being respectful.
Hes probably hoping that one of those gay porn scenes where the police makes u bend over and suck their c*** will happen.
The police chief brother has a brother that is a fire ass lawyer 😂 he got drug dealers off mad charges.
Seattle bareback Boys!!!!I lost it 🤣 🤣 🤣
I felt like this was a cut from a scene and George Costanza was playing the guy being questioned lol
Bro Chris Hansen is so cringe and corny😭😭
Bro I cant with the text message read-outs ✋😭
Do you have anything that hurt us
Any Needle 🪡
No” 😂😂. Wtf is up with cops with stupid questions
“He looks familiar” “i couldnt put a finger on it” – Chris Hanson
And the WOKE Sicko culture is trying to say that this is OK! What are they calling it now….. The latest attempt to normalize pedophilia comes from Allyn Walker, an assistant professor at Old Dominion University who uses the nonsensical pronouns “they/them” and has advocated for pedophilia to be “destigmatized,” calling for pedophiles to instead be referred to with the insultingly euphemistic term “minor attracted persons.” We need to defund our universities! We need to get rid of that woke paraquat professors who are simply parasites on the American family your children go there and they are brainwashed their most vulnerable time! Defund the police hell no defined the universities that employ these POS woke professors!
He’s a “friend” of yours, freak?! It makes it sound like he tried something when Chris was younger, too.
Winner of the Steelers and the Ravens advances to play the Seattle Bareback Boys.
That poor actor. Release him. it's getting grotesque
Seattle bareback boys!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
2:29 I actually thought that was the decoy lmao
Looks like Chris Hansen and his 60-year-old friend are not going on any more train rendezvous. Dang. And their friendship was just starting to move to the next level.
I DiDnT kNoW I wAs tAlKiNg tO a MInOr
The whole world:
Every species known to man:
Valkyries, Angels, Demons and Celestials: 😑
Why is that voice so funny 🤣
I don't understand why these fat unattractive old men think that if a 13 year-old wanted to be with an adult, that it would be them. Like do they not own a mirror or a scale?
Yep…I knew it…Drives a Jeep Wrangler.
I love how the decoys just casually walk off once Chris come out lol
😠Stay away from me and my kids please
“We hired a local geriatric from a nursing home to play the part of our teen decoy.”
listen the kid acting as the 13 year old is shit BUT THE VOICE ACTOR SHEEEESSSHHHH
Are you soapy….ugh lets all barf
What a sick dude he will have to face god one day.
Any dude meeting chris anywhere… look the F out haha… charming fellow for all you creepy yellows
That ex-accountant turned creep miscalculated one thing – the decoy's age!