‘Had a Couple Beers’: Michigan Fire Chief Caught Speeding Admits to Drinking Before DUI Arrest

‘Had a Couple Beers’: Michigan Fire Chief Caught Speeding Admits to Drinking Before DUI Arrest

A Michigan fire chief was caught on camera asking for a lawyer after he was allegedly caught drinking and driving. Fire Chief Joseph Murray was spotted swerving on a Dearborn road on August 29 and clocked in driving at 60 mph in a 40 mph lane. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie breaks down the body cam minute by minute.

Sierra Gillespie: https://twitter.com/sierragillespie

#Bodycam #Michigan #LawAndCrime

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42 thoughts on “‘Had a Couple Beers’: Michigan Fire Chief Caught Speeding Admits to Drinking Before DUI Arrest

  1. Get these female cops out of the field y’all, this woman can’t control him anyway.
    They’re a liability.
    Women cannot back up men the way it’s needed,
    Women always need rescuing,
    Women embolden aggressive suspects,
    And women have to escalate to their gun right away when things threaten to get physical or they’ll get wrecked.
    Get these women out of the field.

  2. WTF OMG,Im pretty sure him being a fire chief. Had to have come across MANY DUI accidents where people have died .He himself should have known he was so intoxicated that driving under the influence He could have killed himself or others innocent people.

  3. We just had a deputy placed on admin leave for a DUI when he rolled over his patrol vehicle into a pole. There's a reason why first responders have to take a psych eval prior to being hired.

  4. "When all your 'good guys', are 'bad guys'…" volume 08, edition 29… so anyone else already aware of this and willing to hit the "unsubscribe" button on this whole military modeled hierarchy that obviously is screwing so many people up and over…?!

    It's just… not. Working. Even though public safety personnel are having more labor shortages than ever. This is asinine on so many levels. We simply must take better care of and WITH each other.

  5. Disgraceful. Especially for someone who, at some point in his career I’m certain, has seen the carnage of a DUI accident. In my opinion, it should be a felony when a police officer, firefighter, or EMT/paramedic is operating a vehicle while intoxicated. No one knows the dangers of that decision better than we do, so there’s especially no excuse.

  6. Here’s what will happen provided it’s his first offense: Court arraignment, then plea deal for a lesser crime, paid leave while attending diversion or rehab then back to work. I’ve gotta hand it to the chief in that most people stick with the “couple of beers” answer. This is the first time I’ve ever heard a DUI actually admit to “3 or 4”. Hopefully he gets the help he needs and thank goodness he didn’t kill himself or anyone else.

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