‘Gun in His Pants’: Cops Find a Gun and Drugs on a Man After Catching Him During a Pursuit (COPS)

‘Gun in His Pants’: Cops Find a Gun and Drugs on a Man After Catching Him During a Pursuit (COPS)

After a man is caught fleeing from police, they find drugs and a gun in his pants pocket. Also, police respond to a man attacking a woman.

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31 thoughts on “‘Gun in His Pants’: Cops Find a Gun and Drugs on a Man After Catching Him During a Pursuit (COPS)

  1. Many young people fail, and humanity must not allow it, young people are the blood of humanity and if the blood is bad, the whole organism is bad? Poor mother, she must have asked herself, what did I do to deserve this?

  2. This first young man is a perfect example as to why fathers are so important in the lives of children!! His mother and grandmother have tried. But he needs a fathers firm hand!

  3. I noticed its always they aren't doing anything but they are? Also if he just stopped and talked to them i feel this qould have went different i could be wrong. Idk when i was walking around at night with some friends and cops stopped us we talked to them told them my name and they ran us and they told us to go home its kinda dangerous and we did no fussing they where nice.

  4. The elderly women…grandma, aunt..whatever they were…man those ladies are the best. She clearly wants and has tried to do right with this 20yr old guy and he just didn't follow their path. Absolutely amazing women <3

  5. I was in my man's same situation @ 3:20 … the worse part of my story is, my father was a cop!
    To this day I remember the police officer calling my father about finding cocaine on me and the look on the arresting officers' eyes and jaw dropping said a lot to me. Officer Porter looked at me and said "your father is the angriest officer about a teenager caught with drugs I have ever dealt with, and he is your father. He told me to tell the judge to impose the maximum sentence available; in other words, lock me up and throw away the key" and my mother (which they were divorced) backed him up.
    I effing HATED my father for that for YEARS, then realized why he did it.
    Maybe it wasn't the right way but I am not in jail or doing drugs now.
    That was 30 years ago.

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