Nimol San was just seven years old when her innocence was violently stripped away by Lawrence Brown. She’s never talked about her television on television before – but she wants anybody who has the authority to let Brown out of prison to hear her story. Nerissa Knight reports.
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chexk other crimes under another name he looks like the brazilian serial killer
this diesnt seem like his birth name
by the way he looks hispanic so what is his birth name
laws do nothing more laws more laws do nothing time to understand no breathing if you cant act civilized
I’m so proud of Nimol San
Where is he now???
Why does she look like faze rug mom at. 0:30
I'm crying this so sad😭😭
A bullet is cheaper than these prick assholes
This man look really familiar. I live in Abilene Texas a nearby town of Anson (Jones County), Texas a little red headed girl was raped and killed. The killer never found. Can someone take a look at him please. I believe the little girl was 7 or 8 years of age. I believe all proven sex offenders should be put to death!
This women is strong 💪
The predator should have all his privates cut off without anesthesia and the severed privates shoved in his mouth and forced to swallow and choke on them.
The guy who did this is pure scum and deserves the worst! Brave lady there, respect to her.
What a heartbeaking story!! I hope this beast will stay in prison!!
How did he not get life w/o parole?
Jesus Christ I’m about to throw up
Dunno why, but the way she said second graders threw me off this whole video 😅
I just love how that first male detective made an analogy to Lawrence being "something that you might step into in front of your yard and want it off the bottom of your shoe"
why don't we castrate these monsters …
Wow! That’s even worse than I thought it was going to be!
Did they have to show those nightmarishly ugly dolls??
Love seeing these pigs go to jail and staying there
All child molesters should be electrocuted in the electric chair with a dry sponge
I'm afraid of the narrator's voice GeeZ…
Why are child rapists given such short sentences???!!! Once is enough. We should put these predators away for life. I have one in my family and how much better would life have been for all of us if he was out of our lives. Idk if hes made anymore offenses however hes still abusive in other ways. Verbally and mentally abusive, manipulative and evil. Like to put everyone down anyway he can. He talks crap about people who have physical disabilities. Just an evil man in general. He ruins our family and has split us all up because of it. Seriously, these people are like a disease to just be around.
There are many really bad things in this world, but hurting a child is on a totally other level of madness. I hope and pray this monsters have a terrible life. I pray further that victims of such attacks stay strong and resilient.
I'm turning 12 pretty soon I have a little sister as well my mom sat me down a few days ago and has me watch this it's so sad and you think why this? My sister is 7 I can't think of this happening to her I plan on staying with my mom for a loooong time
Do not be afraid get prepare. Buy a Gun. Go to class the selfdefense , instalt a camara etc.