Video shows a Florida motorcyclist hitting Marion County K-9 Corporal Calvin Batts after he tried to stop the biker for driving without a license. The biker, Matthew Price, admitted he removed his license place to avoid paying tolls while driving around Lakeland.
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All to avoid paying a toll…. Wow, just wow!
Well instead of paying a few dollars in tolls he's going to pay jail costs, court fees, impound costs, and repair costs.
Probably also some driving classes and a new license LOL great job guy 👏🏻
Average biker
That cop ate that bike and still got the 10-15 impressive. That guy has crapped in his mess kit
lol did he hit him or did he run into the bike LOL smfh dont try to make it into something bigger cause your feelings are hurt lol
so according to him he took his tag off cause he was taking a trip and didn't want to pay a toll. that same person definitely isn't planning on stopping should he run into a cop on that same trip. thank you officer for getting this bonehead off the road for a bit.
Awesome takedown.
Cop handled that like a boss!! Biker dude is a prime example stupidity and low IQ.
we need more cops like him
Lol this cop wasn’t playin around
jeez that cop managed to promptly detain this guy immediately after getting rammed by the bike. mad respect that hit looked HARD.
Inexperienced riders shouldn't run. It always ends bad. That dood's probably going lose his bike, do a few months in jail and lose his license for a few years. If he'd stopped he would have gotten a couple of tickets and been riding home.
Took his tag off cause he didn’t wan’t to pay the toll…well that paid off🤣🤣
That was an awesome take down Officer.!!!!!👍
Same guy on the forums that says "drop a gear and disappear"
Give me your hand.
When it's clearly already present. Give more buzz words like quit resisting! Show me your hands! Gun!
As a motorcyclist, well done by that officer! Guy seemed surprised he was going to jail 🤦♂ Not sure what you expect to happen when you run away from (or into!) the police.
those people at the front got the best view ever
lmaooo how to incriminate urself to the fullest. Cops just ask u the obvious that happened just so u could say yes to agree u did do it.
How to go from a traffic ticket to multiple felonies and 10-20 in jail.
Florida man
Cops are not good guys. They put more people at life crossing into oncoming traffic for victimless crimes.
This tyrant literally thought it was good to come into oncoming traffic because the bike didn't have a plate on it. Wow
Dude hit my ego on straight on with that bike.
This tyrant created more of situation then had to be.
For Public Safety I crossed into oncoming traffic to stop a bike that only was driving with no plate.
I protect the citizens from unregistered vehicles .
Tell me again, how we live in a country that we're free ?
People like him are why most people have a negative outlook towards bikers on the road quite honestly.
He'll yea! Punk
So now the rider faces a slew of charges just to avoid a toll that costs a few bucks…. Got it.
Crotch rocket riders are the absolute worst. Never met a nice one, they're all toxic and their behavior (and crash rate) tells the entire story.
Throw the little puke in the back seat with the dog and say to the dog: "Look! Fresh meat!"
Why are cops trained to run in front of fleeing vehicles?
Why do so many in Florida look so inbred?
The cop should sue the biker for pain and suffering.
bikers are cringe, all their videos are cringe
Refreshing to see a video where the biker doesn’t get away so easy.
nice mom jeans
Its a license plate. Not worth potentially starting a chase or some kind of accident. And he caused damage to the bike and SUV unnecessarily. All because cops see every little offense as a chance to be Rambo. If the well being of the citizen you serve is what you are supposed to be working for starting chases and making tiny infractions into major incidents you, the cop, are the reckless and dangerous person.
Bad boy, Bad boy, what yah going to do? When, they come for you!
Ok, but what happened prior? It starts with his lights on.
Ram a cop with a motorcycle…while trying to get away? I expect he will be walking for a real long time.
Tyrant cop assaulted peaceful man minding his business. Should be investigated by the department, lose immunity and go to jail.
Low IQ's make all bikers look bad
He definitely was trying to escape, but I don't think he meant to run into the cop there lol
That bike could of got away from the police if he was a skilled rider but unfortunately he wasn't tough luck
I'm happy they pulled him over reckless driving I mean endangering other people's lives and every single time I come I'm sitting at a light they come and sit right exactly next to me in between 2 vehicles And think they can ride like that Parking Bikes in the handicap lines because I think they can instead of a stall And to top it all off he didn't put his plates on because it didn't want to pay a toll what the h*** now hes gonna pay off all out of money I'm glad they pulled him over
They ride like kids