Jose Lantigua, the CEO of Circle K Furniture in Florida, is accused of faking his own death and pretending to die from mad cow disease.
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Damn. That’s all I got… Damn….
Mexican drug Cartel…
His wife is either too gullible or just stupid or both. No common sense at all.
Daphne is daft.
If a cartel is truly chasing you, why the hell would you go to Venezuela of all countries for treatment?
Literally is pretending to be Jason Borne 😂
She don’t look like she was born yesterday , lol . She just loved the money and she is relying on her looking and acting innocent . From watching so many of these stories u could tell who is real and who is fake .
Going to India for treatment, okay
Going to London for treatment, okay
Going to Switzerland for treatment, okay
Going to Venezuela for treatment, what??
Wait, is Teffeny putting on contact lens or she is crying?🤔I'm confused!🙄🙄🙄
She’s so fucking gullible 😂😂😂
why is she fake crying …she is a con-sidekick
She knew all along lmao!
Where your tears at wifey??? Were you in on it the whole time smh 🤦🏽♀️
i can’t help but feel like this lady loved the money and luxury … and is sad it’s over and not because of her “husband”.
The lady and her kid should be happy that’s the only damage he did to them because I’ve seen a lot of crime watch and they always kill there spouse for the money. And I feel like the Lady was in it her Drake crying.
She can’t really be that stupid. If so, She the type to get duped by the Nigerian Prince asking her to send him $3k a month so he can get his Visa and come marry her
What he did??
U took the lies inside of the Embassy. You wanted the money and was willing to lie to officials and your children about it.
Google: NO …….
Ok can't watch this BS anymore. The stories are so ludicrous that either shes dumb as a 2×4 or shes in on it.
Can anyone spell gullible?
This woman wasn’t innocent! She willingly went along with a federal crime and was a party and co conspirator to the crimes! Accessory to the crime! But gets off! Wow! That’s some white privilege right there! I mean c’mon! She actually knew what he was doing but brought some lame story?! Lol! Definitely guilty and gullible!!
He's supposedly cremated in a foreign country instead of his body being shipped back? If I didn't already that he faked his death I would have known someone wonky was amiss by all the crazy stuff he said and did.
She was a willing participant… Soooo…. Now that the kids know he's "dead" how was she planning to live a life with him… Keep up the pretense.. Be normal… She was part of it!!!!
Couldn't he come up with something better than mad cow disease and CIA!!!! YOU HAVE TO BE GULLIBLE TO BELIEVE THIS CRAP
I don't know how innocent I would say this wife was or is.
I love how all the experts here know that the % of missing tears = level of guilt 😂😂😂😂
If these people all say that she didn’t know that she was being tricked into breaking the law why did she go to prison?
holy fuck the wife is annoying as hell 0idgoiejhijht
Dumb wife keep saying everything he did u did it too u money hungry bitch…..
In actuality, if a cartel is going to pull off a revenge hit, they won't just take out the person(s) that have done them wrong, they will take out the entire family of each person. If he really had assassinated a cartel leader, the entire family would be in danger, even after he 'died'. They would have all needed to fake their own deaths.
That b×××× is white. That's why no jail time. She was in on the whole thing. She need to be in jail.
All the Cubans I’ve met are literally like this. Lol. Always coming up with stories. Not very honorable people.
You aren't Nicole Kidman. Terrible acting. Keep your day job
Yeah, she should be in jail forever for this. She's a female so let's make her the victim.
“Stupid would be an understatement” I love this woman lmao
Well what you say……. The Wife was a gold digger and going after men with money! End of the story. LMAO!
That woman is dumber than drain hair. And that “crying with no tears” isn’t fooling anyone, lady…
Man I know people who actually do those type missions and jobs, like no kidding spooks or the people that scare the things that go bump in the nite. They normally claim they are contractors or low level boring job type employees. Like they are just a guy that is going to count the number of goats in a village or checking to make sure they have enough clean water. They never say “I’m a special dude who killed people or propped up a puppet government.” That’s always the first clue. If they say they do bad things as part of SOF or CIA or claim to be Delta or SEAL…then that’s the #1 clue they aren’t and everything past that is a lie or something they read in a Tom Clancy novel.
She knew bout it it's why they married
She knew he was ripping off the insurance company because he is not dead. She is a idiot
Ex CIA covert ops team leader takes out Cartel leader, becomes budget furniture salesman showing his face all over TV, contracts mad cow disease. Yep, I can believe this.
Well he certainly had a brain disease even tho not mad cow
😂😂 Am I the only one fascinated with this guy, he's living in his own world.
This guy was a full on Sociopath
“It was all a lot of bull…”