Fugitive lawyer Richard Merritt’s murder trial kicked off with opening statements Thursday. Prosecutor Helen Pott detailed the alleged attack 77-year-old Shirley Merritt suffered at the hands of her son Richard in February 2019. “He used a kitchen knife to stab her multiple times in the back, in the chest, throat, and the face,” Pott said. “Then he picked up a 35-pound dumbbell, which he held above her head and bludgeoned her with it.” Merritt stands accused of murdering his mother before fleeing the state of Georgia and starting a new life under an alias in Tennessee.
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What a detestable human being Richard Merritt is.
If you want to see the best prosecution & opening statement a lot have ever seen, awesome judge, see Chandler Halderson Trial, think it ruined me for any other trial, been skipping parts on trials since!!
That’s one evil demonic MF. But he will meet men in prison that will make him look like an ant. He doesn’t look like he will enjoy prison. Washing clothes and being used 🍑🍆will be his fate.
Now that the Daybell trial is over, I thought I’d start a fresh one and landed here. But I don’t think I can listen to this overly theatrical and overly dramatic prosecutor. Her pacing, waving of her hands, and practically yelling at the jury are insane!
What's crazy is that he probably could have took off and did what he did without killing her and she probably would have not told them that she knew he left but that he just snuck off when she was asleep or something. There was no reason for him to kill her. He probably told her that he was going to disappear and she most likely tried to talk him out of doing it so he figured he had to get rid of her because she knew that he was leaving
Why is the lawyer smiling while explaining the brutal murder ??
I’m sorry but this opening statement is just horrendous. Save that loud projection for the closing. She’s all over the place and seems too angry. I know he still got a guilty verdict but opening is to paint a picture. Give the loving and caring emotions of the victim. Stop yelling at the jury.
Judge's need to stop giving defendant's who have pled guilty a date to turn themselves in later. When they are looking at double digits they have nothing to lose.
The judge giving him two weeks is ridiculous this wouldn’t have happened if they locked him up right after sentencing why would u give a person like this time to run or do more crimes smh
Pity the lawyer is giving such a performance. Reminds me of a recitation in a school concert.
her constant hand waving is distracting to whatever point she trying to get across🙄 wish she would just pick a spot and stay there, moves around too much..at 14:56 she trips up 🤣
Alex Murdaugh 2.0. Stealing from your clients then killing a family member.
Wait a minute, what does her family life, career has to do with these murders, stop being a teacher and get on with it!
My right ear enjoyed this
Who is the Prosecutor Female Lawyer?
monster killing his mother
Wow, an educated person can lose sense of your basic humanity and cause such a horrible act. This truly is a psychiatric case. Crazy.
What did he do with the money he stole from his clients? Wife said he wasn't paying the mortgage on house before she divorced him? Was it drugs? Was it prostitutes? Was if Gambling? Perhaps reason is not allowed in court.
Might be an unpopular opinion. Solid case in the bag aside, the presentation is cringe. The awkwardly timed pauses and inflection where it isn't needed, the dramatized tense hand gestures and head shakes… They are distracting. It'd be just as, if not more, impactful to state factually, rather than turn the courtroom into a drama when the case and evidence is dramatic and traumatic enough. There is zero need to overly explain how gracious and wonderful the victim was. The man brutally killed his mother and ran; that fact is not lost on anyone, and certainly will not be on a jury who has to meticulously review all the gruesome evidence.
It's easy to say she was an enabler but what would you do if you had a gun pointed at your head by a bank robber who wanted your car? of course give him the car if life was dear to you. Mothers are often accused of being enablers when in fact its the sons who threatens and abuses and harasses mothers to get what they want. Often the mothers are not even aware that they are afraid of them. These men are violators of women's rights and misogynists.