Former Prosecutor Accused Of Wife’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 3)

Former Prosecutor Accused Of Wife’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 3)

Former prosecutor Curtis Lovelace was accused of killing his wife Cory Lovelace, who suffered from alcoholism.

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35 thoughts on “Former Prosecutor Accused Of Wife’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 3)

  1. I don’t know, it’s totally ridiculous that the communication between the EMT’s & police was so flawed that they didn’t know her arms were moved. That one ME though (if you watch the entire case on dateline) said she had marks on her face, around the mouth and in the mouth. He got a 4 million dollar settlement for this btw

  2. He’s a liar. You better be careful next wife. I wonder how many times he practiced crying in the mirror. You know these lawyers tell people to cry if you can . Well he has to face the big and most important judge our loving God and he’s not going to care about your fake crying practice all you want.

  3. I think the second wife is such a damn liar – there's no tears, her body language is off – it's giving amber heard😬 she was nothing but a bitter ex that's upset a man escaped from under her control. The best friend was so calm and concise in her testimony. I hope she's not talking to that crazy lady anymore 😬

  4. I really hope you, your daughter and sons can forgive and move on together. I want to believe that she was taken advantage of. She loved her mom and everyone put a lot of pressure on her. I'm glad the rest of the family are still together but I feel she needs all of you including her stepmom. God bless all of you. By the way what you and your wife are doing now is so selfless.

  5. It's hard for anyone to know 100% (except for Curtis himself), but there was no way a jury could (morally) send him away for life when the evidence just was not there that he killed her. I think they got it right with their verdict.

  6. What do you mean everyone was in shock when Curtis was called to the stand??? The defendant’s colloquy with the judge is televised where the judge has to ask him whether he's satisfied with his defense and weather and no one has threatened him to testify…

  7. You can tell his second wife is a mean person just by her demeanor. She seems arrogant and overbearing. You can tell she was lying, when a person has been abused in anyway they can’t help but cry while recalling what they went through. She only started fake crying as soon as they showed her proof she was lying. Her friend seemed more believable, I’m glad she exposed that woman’s bad intentions.

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