Former prosecutor Curtis Lovelace was accused of killing his wife Cory Lovelace, who suffered from alcoholism.
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why does a prosecutor live in poverty?
Trust and believe if he was a white man would she is he would have gotten off what she did but trust and believe if it was a black man who done the same thing who was accused the same thing most likely they would have threw the book at him so I don't know what you guys were talking about
I do hope Detective Gibson was fired. This was so ridiculous.
Not a witch hunt. He killed her, because she was sick and spent. My belief is based on his behaviour: A tough man, who is not a weeping mummy's little boy, was parading a carefully controlled act of distress and sorrow for the jury. His defence was good. His children's testamony sounded contrived. His latest wife is oversure of his innocence.
The prosecution did not prepare their case well enough; not enough research was done. The dead woman was of no importance. Yes, I would put him behind bars.
Him intentionally misleading the grand jury should have cost him his badge!
I used to love Dr. Baden until I found out that he could be bought.
Witch hunt
what?a CROOKED COP? that can't be.
The 2nd wife is lying cause she’s bitter as fuck
So she was an alcoholic with a fatty liver AND she was trying to fight a virus in her already poor health? Go home captain, you're trying too hard trying to impress people at your new job. And second wife is just mad about something.
So she was an alcoholic with a fatty liver AND she was trying to fight a virus in her already poor health? Go home captain, you're trying too hard. And second wife is just mad about something.
Now former prosecutor see for yourself the justice system you too ran n applauded is here to devour you n eat you alive . Its the same justice system you loved n was proud of n worked for Mr Lovelace, now see its flows n flops n its injustice , look at it in the face , now that you sit at the other side of the table now , you are jailed in for nothing n you will be imprisoned forever.
With that mousey sharp voice crying ex wife Erica now you will fry . She's out to get you Mr Lovelace, Erica is wacko very crazy n looks evil n eyes deep in the holes , the eyes are buried inside her head.
I think Erica is out to avenge the divorce , she is crazy . But am sure Corey died naturally , it was God's will .
Too bad Mr Curtis Lovelace you once did that to others too , they cried n cried like you did n nobody listened n you called them liars n crocodile tears n locked them up , now see you tasted it too n now you will know how it feels , nobody believes in natural death no more , they want to blame somebody every time .
Is it just me or the new captain's pushing way too much😒😒😒😒
I have seizures and I'm pretty sure that after a seizure I eventually go limp (once the spasms and muscles let lose). Cause when i "come to"im not in a position like she was.Now, I'm not saying she didnt die like that ,kinda sounds odd to me.I feel like something else, besides the seizure happened …Unless liver failure killed her and her whole body was probably shutting down ,maybe seizure/convulsion, all of the obove..I found my mom 2yrs ago ,she had died from liver failure. She was on the floor with her hands on her chest but in a relaxing position, not like this .
I think the cop got a bee in his bottem about that guy
Four out of five dentists recommend Colgate four out of five coroner's recommend murder
Do you know how horrifying it is to be suffacated by someone who is supposed to love you? All you trolls stfu.
lOK mister "expert" so then how do you explain she has 10 hours of rigur mortise (sorry probably butchered that) and yet her kids saw her alive less than 2 hours before she was found dead her kids had conversations with her she told her eldest daughter she couldn't stay home and take care of her then after dropping the kids off and coming home which takes less than 2 hours he find's her dead now I don't know the answer sure but how does someone who was dead less than 2 hours have rigur mortis equal to that of 10 hours?
He must've had something personal against this guy to push this hard to get him convicted on murder after all those people told him that she died of natural causes!
why did they have that weirdass clip of some girl wearing a wig??????
I think he is innocent, but since he is a Prosecutor, I say lock him up!
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