Former Drug Dealer Tries To Help At-Risk Kids – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Former Drug Dealer Tries To Help At-Risk Kids – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Former drug dealer Brian Gibbs, who admitted to killing several people, is trying to get at-risk youth to turn their lives around.

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47 thoughts on “Former Drug Dealer Tries To Help At-Risk Kids – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

  1. Brian is going to hell (no question about that)

    So kids learn and idolize people who are honest and inspiring like Malcolm X or Muhammad Ali ext. So you don't end up having the same fate.
    There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING cool about the things brian did.
    There's nothing cool about being a "gangster".
    Peace, hookers and whiskey 👍👌✌🤘

  2. Didn't yall hear the detective say he bought down organizations yes glaze is a rat he murdered people then gave up information in order to not do all the time he was facing and yall people honor that 🐀

  3. All the people he “supposedly” snitched on were already convicted there’s not 1 person who could say this man was responsible for getting them locked up.

  4. He had a good run of being a drug king pin in the 80s his luck ran out and confessed to the his crimes only telling on people who was already dead. Made a deal and served less than a decade in prison now he’s a changed man. Big respect glaze ✊

  5. I'm confused did this man said he play it guilty to find murders in two attempts so that was the agreement and then you got sentence then when people ask him how many people did you really kill he say six don't he know that six person wasn't a part of the agreement and they can lock them up for murder again shut the fuk up. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong you are an amazing storyteller did some horrific things and destroyed a lot of people's lives and by the grace of God you out here to have family and married and a job and you didn't even give that benefit the same options to those people that you murdered I understand it nor so I've been in the streets too but at the same time a plea deals for 5 murders two attempts to 61 the one left dog you ain't suppose ain't nobody supposed to know s*** about that but you and a motherfuker dead now I'm a slow ass niggard like I ain't that sharp and you know that in my cerebral you know I'm saying but if I knew what I know and how those people play games how are you getting away with blatantly saying oh I forgot it was one more that you was not charged with bro..

  6. People saying he's a rat need to go to the YouTube channel Info Minds and see and hear the full story and you'll take back the shit you say. He wasn't a rat never dimed on any of his associates he told on himself and the Murders he committed.

  7. You guys saying he had to snitch on people other than the dead to get that sweet 8 year bid fail to realize how much money it costs the state, FEDS and TAXPAYERS to go to trial for 1 murder case, better yet 5-6 DIFFERENT murder trials( and that's just for him- not to mention Cat, Pappy…etc). The D.A would much rather plead someone out PLUS hear EVERY single detail of why, when , where and who was involved. If you listen to the prosecutor dude in this video, he didn't say Glaze cooperated and took individuals down with him- He said that Glaze's cooperation LED to many others cooperating. Operation "Horse Collar" was ALREADY in action shortly after the rookie cop got murdered in Queens. Glaze was down south when the raids went down in NY, VA, Alabama..etc. I believe Glaze when he said "Can't nobody say that I testified on them, that I named them, or that they are in the FEDS because of me. Can't nobody produce ANY piece of paperwork on me pointing to them". He said that years ago and THERE HAS BEEN NO ONE TO COME OUT TO PROVE OTHERWISE!

  8. That man DID NOT snitch. He never said any "living" names. He didn't tell on nobody. He did his time and came home. All his Co defendants got murdered before the big trial they never was able to prove he did it

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