Former Corrections Officer Investigated in Police Cadet’s Disappearance (Part 3) – Crime Watch Daily

Former Corrections Officer Investigated in Police Cadet’s Disappearance (Part 3) – Crime Watch Daily

A popular police cadet is missing and presumed dead. Detectives believe they know who murdered her. So why is he still walking the streets a free man? Andrea Isom reports.

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33 thoughts on “Former Corrections Officer Investigated in Police Cadet’s Disappearance (Part 3) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. It’s funny to me that y’all are calling a black woman “loud” when a lot of the other interviewers are louder if not just as loud. She didn’t shout the entire video, what the hell are y’all talking about

  2. It is tragic that nine years have passed and they know who the murderer is, but they don’t have enough evidence and haven’t found her body yet. 💔 Hopefully Kelly and her loved ones finally receive justice.

  3. Please Ladies, if you are thinking of leaving a bad relationship and suspect it will not end well, LEAVE FIRST, then tell them. It is the most dangerous time when you have told them and are moving out, so get your plan in place and do everything possible to keep yourself safe.

  4. He got away with murder… I hope karma gets him. Like final destination killed. I feel like I’ve seen people with zero evidence get convicted.. I’m confused why they can’t just charge him. We all know he’s guilty

  5. This guy needs to be systematically picked apart with a 22.250. Elbow, knees, hands, ankles… once every year or two, give him a little something something to think about.

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