Former Cop Convicted in Murder of Daughter, Ex (Part 1) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Former Cop Convicted in Murder of Daughter, Ex (Part 1) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

A secret affair. A child out of wedlock. Did it lead to the murder of a mother and a child?

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50 thoughts on “Former Cop Convicted in Murder of Daughter, Ex (Part 1) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. This was not a relationship just pure sex and I don't understand why she thought he would change his to mind and he told you a year ago that he don't what nothing to do with yall and he was married with a daughter and given it up to soon without and he thought he was not get caught and she had 2 kids at 20.

  2. That poor baby . Why ? I know this is awful to say but I would have rather hear he shot the baby and killed him instantly. I know it’s horrible to say but I cannot imagine that baby dying a slow death.

  3. I don't understand why in the hell would you kill them beautiful baby girl and her mother? 🌷🏡🌹🌹🙏💘💘💘💘💘💗💗💕💕💕 And you married mens needs to stop getting married if you still want to play around with other women's 👿💝💝💝🙏🙋💕💕💕💕 My prayers goes out to her mom's and her family members! Sad Sad sad to do something so bad to the both of them! 👿Evil man !

  4. So the guy couldn’t kill his baby with his own hands.. so he just leaves her in the car to die a HORRIBLE death. Poor baby overheated and I’m SURE suffered. Like they said – fucking DESPICABLE! This guy is a TRULY SADISTIC, HEARTLESS, ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING POOR EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING.

  5. “He was a ladies man”
    shows picture

    Me: You’re absolutely correct.

    [yes i know that’s not how they meant it but it fit perfectly 🤣 or maybe they did mean to low key throw shade lol]

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