In a “Pretty Woman” twist, Sarah Douglas swiftly went from escort to fiancée, all while her lover was still married. But her romance with former Cal Fire chief Orville Fleming soon soured, and Douglas met a tragic ending.
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wtf a random guy was spamming this link on a channel called mxr
I will miss you forever Sarah wild and Free we will always be you'll always be my butterfly
I used to work with Orville he was a creepy fk period . BUT then again she was a useless gold digging horror good riddance
her nasty sister looks just as bad…
so many narcissistic yuck women.
Even God doesn't want to meet this piece of work.
Marrying a prostitute… what a great idea… /s
00:03 She DOES NOT light the fire in "men everywhere" because not all men are into women. She does absolutely NOTHING for me! NOTHING! The narrator makes an assumption that all men are heterosexual – which is absolutely stupid and not true! Secondly, so this girl was a prostitute advertising sex on a website. Wow! Some self respect! Sounds like she was just a whore! Straight men are just idiots! They will never learn and continue to make the same mistakes over and over again!! LOL
Imagine feeling sorry for a hoe. 🤣
Why was that beautiful fine young woman with that old ugly dude, he looks like he was 60 and she looked about late 20’s at the time. She could have married someone her age, that would have bought her a better ring lol
Bay area California Liberal Progressive Democrat non-Christians.
He is a loser and a piece of sh*t; she was right.
The grass is never greener on the other side!
Well the ex wive dogged a serious one. Hope she living her best life!
a 'brutal' murder, as opposed to ?
ahhh yes because holding someone down on a bet when sitting on top of them is the best way to reason with someone
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير
لا اله الا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين
سبحان آلله و الحمد لله و لا اله الا الله وآلله اكبر و لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
إستغفر آلله العظيم رب العرش العظيم و اتوب اليه
سبحان آلله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
الله يرحمها ويغفر لها و يسكنها الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة بفضل الله و رحمته وجوده و كرمه سبحانه
I know my comment might incite hate comments but if my daughter starts to go out with a man twice her age or more, it would be all red flag to me….
When people use each other and it does not go well.
Poor thing, RIP beautiful
Don’t live life putting yourself in jeopardy
He's not sorry. He's smiling thru the whole story!!
Sarah didn't deserve to die but she sounds like an unhappy gold digger. Moe isn't crazy he's just evil and horny. Megan dodged a bullet.
“Can i get my allowance this weekend because i did **** your ******.”
its been killing me all weekend. 6 stars. that girl earned it cause i still can’t figure out what she was sucking.
Those fire fighters, captains and their dirty chief love having escorts at the cal fire academy to party and what not. They are all horrible even the police academy next door. I miss you sissy I wish you were here to see Moe is getting what he deserves
Never trust a girl who's Dancing under the Light coz they are Playful and flammable.
Well it sounds like this couldn’t have happened to 2 better people than these two.
It's sad to say this but she was just going to use up all his money then spit him out anyway.
what a piece of crap
She lights up the room?
The fact that she really wanted his old ass
No one deserves to die she didn’t do nothing wrong but fell in love
You can't live foul and rest in peaceful. Sorry, those two don't go together.
Why is he standing trial? He admitted to doing it.
His old tail should have stayed with his wife original wife and he would be a free man. Gonna go hook up with some escort chick that I'm sure wasn't in it for the looks and love. Some men need to get some sense. Then he got the nerve to be mad at her and kill her. Wait til he got this old, probably going thru a mid life crisis and think this hot chick was head over heals for him for real. When I find out a man married, I make a quick exit. Please don't divorce your wife for me. As a matter of fact, imma loose your number and you loose mine and if needed i will change my number. People too crazy. True Crime Daily make you think, watch, and take in to account a lot of things. Phew!!!
Both are TOOLS
Who's he gonna call when his butthole is on fire?
She was not very smart to keep insulting him till his anger got provoked
he said he had plenty time to think and that is his story of what happened? um ok