Fertility Doctor Accused Of Impregnating Patients – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Fertility Doctor Accused Of Impregnating Patients – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Dr. Michael Cline, a fertility doctor, is accused of blindsiding his own patients, confessing in court documents to using his own sperm with his patients as many as 50 times.

More on this story here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/11/10/elizabeth-smart-confronts-fertility-doctor-accused-of-impregnating-patients-with-his-own-sperm/

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25 thoughts on “Fertility Doctor Accused Of Impregnating Patients – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

  1. Surprisingly I Saw thur utube even Howard huges and
    Can one imagine. Supposenling from my research. Random
    Even. Charles Linberg had the same basic ideas
    Oh my goodness
    God's Mercy endures for all we humans

  2. I mean I’m not saying what he did was right🤷🏾‍♀️but excuse me if I sound thoughtless but if they went for a donors sperm why is it considered a crime if he donates his sperm

  3. Make him pay child support 🙂 You can have the best of both worlds- you had your beautiful children and you can get him for back payment child support.
    God is good!

  4. I have no idea what idiot you employ came up with the idea that a human cell only has 23 chromosomes. There are 23 chromosomes from each of BOTH parents resulting in 46 chromosomes total!!!!!! I could probably make a fortune by fact checking your stories, because someone should. When I was a REAL journalist, I did more research on a church bake sale than someone obviously did on that one aspect of this story.

  5. I cannot figure out how he could impregnate women with his own sperm without telling them is not a crime. He must have been wanting to start his own little Cline cult. There should have been a nurse in the room for that procedure.

  6. Wait, why is this so bad again? He's donating his own sperm, but they don't know that and the children don't? Isn't the idea of a sperm donor to get donated sperm? Am I missing something here?

  7. This is sickening in so many levels. Your doctor being your baby's biological father, the possibility of being genetically related to so many peopoe in your own city and not being able to date anyone without fearing they'd be your sibling, yeah, its sick., but i dont see how this would cause a personality crisis. you are who you are not only because of your parents, but also your experiences. Parents are the people who are there flr you, the people who take care about you, and that does not change just because you dont have their blood in your vains.

  8. Nurses and office staff almost certainly knew what he was doing so why didn't they turn him in? How did they know? He billed patients and insurance for more sperm than he bought from the sperm bank. Watch videos on "dentist uses paperclips" so if dentists use paper clips they can't bill for more expensive stainless steel posts.

  9. I just watched this on Netflix.. called our father. How is this man not behind bars.. 94 women and still counting. One sick son of a b****. You would think one of the fathers would have took this guy out already.😤💀

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