Father Falsely Accused Of Sexually Abusing Daughter – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Father Falsely Accused Of Sexually Abusing Daughter – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

In the 1990s, a little girl accused her father Brad Pitman of sexually abusing her. In an interview with the child, she also said the abuser was “dark” and a stranger. Despite his declaration of innocence, Pitman had his parental rights terminated. 20 years later, authorities matched the palm print from the crime scene with one belonging to Joel Market.

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47 thoughts on “Father Falsely Accused Of Sexually Abusing Daughter – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

  1. The fact that he got mad when he asked the interviewer if he checks everything in the apartment before moving. He replied “No” and then gets mad at the answer and wants to end it. Spills GUILT!!! I wish I was an interviewer. I’d have people confessing without knowing they confessed! 😊

  2. Bro what you need to do is take out a lawsuit on them motherfuckers cuz all they do is fuck up families and they never say they're sorry dude and half the time they don't even know what the fuck their talk about. I will go ahead and sue them let them feel that pain

  3. How did something like this happen. When the cops, THEMSELVES, cleared him. I just know that her mom had a part in making that baby believe that her father did something horrible to her. A couple of years ago, my nephew/godson's other uncle & his gf started trying to start a rumor that my mom & I were abusing my nephew/godson. Out of nowhere to try to keep us from protecting him from theme being abusive to him. If it weren't for my best friend, his mom, & my nephew (who was 3 at tge time & barely spoke words nut he was clearly) telling child services & the authorities that we had never & would never hurt him, we could've been in big trouble. So this story hits close to home for me, & pisses me off. I'm thankful we didn't go through what he did but I'm heartbroken that he went through this friggin travesty. It's terrible & F'd up aaaaaaallllll the way

  4. Twisting a children's words to make it seem like her own father did this awful things to her because you had no other suspects is pretty disgusting. It's pretty obvious she was only comparing their skin tones and nothing else.

  5. As a family law paralegal… I've seen a TON of ugly behavior…as a mother living through this nightmare with my innocent son…I can safely say… the ACCUSATION…is as damaging as the actual crime!!! Now I will have to stand by while the divorce proceeds and my son fights for custody of his son…and the other 3 children lose the only father they've really known in 11 years…
    My heart cries for this man…as well as his children….


  6. Believe it or not, social workers are the worst bunch out there accusing of men! I also know of one who would defend women even when these women were in jail for doing bad things to men! She was a lesbian so no surprise there. When she interview female inmates, she would repeatedly tell them things were not their fault, they were the victims!

  7. There is so many Women and Children around the world that have suffered, and have been abused, hurt, mistreated, assaulted, physically, mentally and emotionally from mean men.

    However, there are still many, many Good men all around the world as well and if non-genuine woman or anyone that decides to lie, and fabricate and make false accusations against someone, it becomes a absolute injustice to ALL, and is a embarrassment to ALL the many women who otherwise have actually been hurt or abused or assaulted,

    False accusations hurts everyone, because it waste precious time, and energy on what would be time otherwise spent helping the women who have been actually harmed, and really need help.

    I believe that making false accusations, false allegations, and or Framing of the innocent is a deplorable, despicable act.

    The penalty for false accusations, allegations should be qual to the potential penalty of the innocent because of a person’s false accusations, or claims.

    Author Advocate for Humanity,
    Safety Advocate,
    Jason Sandifer,

  8. Little four year old described a dark skinned man, as dad said, working on building sites in sun gets you tanned, that's what the little girl meant.
    Why does the system take literally it's dad when he's innocent.
    I'll tell you why!!! Because a girl under 6 years and a boy under 8. Thousands per head is paid to Social Services for the children's removal in these cases. And the worker who removes them and set the removal in motion gets a few thousand pound as a bonus. That's the real truth They don't have time for sentimentality when cash is involved

  9. First time I ever heard of someone checking out back windows of a house when looking at a house so closely they leave finger prints like they would be climbing in the back window

  10. thats why people, keep a good savings bc u may never know you will be falsely accused. if you do get accused, use your money or borrow money to get a good lawyer. Don't be cheap, get a good lawyer bc you won't spend a day in prison js.

  11. my boyfriend's mother also did this to his father

    my boyfriend was around three at the time and she wanted custody so her and some of her friends tried to falsely acuse my bf's dad of sexaully abusing his kid

    thank god the court saw through that but im just kinda scared to met his mother if she is willing to do something like that

  12. My GF's 4 Yr Old said that I called him names, Hit, & pushed him in the pool multiple times. Well the house happens to have cameras with Audio at the Pool so once we showed him he was Lying He admitted he lied because he was Mad that when I'm around he can't sleep in the Bed with His Mommy. I broke up with that chick after that But I'll never how a kids Word has any credibility it's Ridiculous

  13. He's absolutely right, if you ask a 4 years if a particular person over & over when you say no, s/he'll eventually say yes thinking they might leave him/her alone.

  14. dark like my dad she didn't say its my dad and when she did say it was her dad its because they persuade you to say what the police are thinking I feel horrible for the father

  15. It's time for social workers to step up, take responsibility for their mistake; the child said "dark, like my dad". That is not saying it is her father, it's enough to ask him for DNA sample to compare with the samples from the rape kit. In the meantime, supervised contact at a contact centre would maintain their relationship and protect the child. The father was not there, never charged, arrested or suspected. Therefore, no grounds for termination of rights, adjustment until the perpetrator is caught would've been sufficient to protect the child, a requirement to stay away from the home until the DNA results come back.

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