Farmer buries jogger in field, joins search to find her; Ex-candidate arrested in cold case – TCDPOD

Farmer buries jogger in field, joins search to find her; Ex-candidate arrested in cold case – TCDPOD

In this week’s podcast: An Arkansas farmer accused of striking a female jogger with his pickup truck, sexually assaulting her, then burying her body in a field, reportedly joined a community search for the victim days afterward (1:28). Investigators say Quake Lewellyn, who is married, and Sydney Sutherland knew each other. Plus, a two-time candidate for Idaho Governor is arrested in the cold-case disappearance and murder of 12-year-old Colorado girl Jonelle Matthews in 1984 (16:29). And an update to a Southern California missing couple case (38:47). Dr. Judy Ho joins Ana Garcia this week.

Dr. Judy Ho:
Ana Garcia:
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29 thoughts on “Farmer buries jogger in field, joins search to find her; Ex-candidate arrested in cold case – TCDPOD

  1. I just have this request for all crime show anchors … please please dont link the victim's face visually with the perpetrator's? It just seems so morbidly ironic to link them ever after for all eternity together in every tv or crime show! Can we show the perpetrator with his mother or father or anyone else who shaped his personality? And let the victim's family remember her sweet beautiful self without having to associate it with the ugly monster who took her out?? 😢
    I find it bizarre dr. Judy ho is giving this monster a defence option already.

  2. Talk about fake claims, I work for the USPS and half of my station is on Government benefits including food stamps while they bring home over 65 thousand per year by falsifying their paperwork. No one is paying attention

  3. Regarding Sutherland, I think it’s pretty obvious that Lewellyn saw her as he drove past her. He decided that he wanted to have sex with her. He hit her with the truck, abducted her, raped her and buried her assuming that the body would never be found. It would be interesting to know how her body was found so quickly.

  4. 2:00 maybe because deep down somewhere deep inside that feminist brain all women know they are inherently weaker than men, which is why women should carry a personal protection device, and the people who are anti personal protection device are anti woman.

  5. I don't get why they're so shocked.. 🤷🏼‍♀️ It's not uncommon at all for murderers to involve themselves in the searches/ investigation. It gives them inside info, reassurance of where they are searching, a good image, sometimes they get a kick out of it. It's never guilt though.. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  6. I was there the day they found Sydneys body on Friday, they already had him in custody and her mother was crushed, it was a terrible thing, my husband, I and my 2 kids lived 4 miles from where she was running…. So sad hope the family is all doing the best the can given the situation.

  7. Why do you keep defending this guy girl who is this woman that still sitting here like acting like wow he must have found guilty and wasn't premeditation he's not a criminal like what do you know him or something Jesus girl get your head out of your ass he is not feeling guilty okay he was just worried that he was going to get cut so he thought if he sat there and he you know I guess if they check his computer and all that information maybe they'll find out that he googled this s*** alone time ago how do I get rid of somebody's or you know I don't know maybe he's not the type maybe he knew this in advance so well in advance and he had done his research so well in advance they're not going to find any information on him yet they're not going to see that he's googled this and had some f**** done his research on how to how to catch a girl and Raper and kill her and blah blah blah blah blah and p*** I mean I have no doubt he's got p*** on his computer this was premeditated I wish this lady that you were talking to would shut the f**** stop giving him excuses for his bad behavior

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