Famous Psychiatrist Suggests Letecia Stauch Did Not Know She Killed Her Stepson

Famous Psychiatrist Suggests Letecia Stauch Did Not Know She Killed Her Stepson

Famous serial killer psychiatrist Dr. Dorothy Lewis suggested accused murderer Letecia Stauch may not remember killing her stepson Gannon in 2020. “I’ve said that from the beginning,” Stauch said to Lewis during an interview. The stepmom is accused of stabbing Gannon to death in Colorado, stuffing his body in a suitcase and dumping him under a bridge in Florida.

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31 thoughts on “Famous Psychiatrist Suggests Letecia Stauch Did Not Know She Killed Her Stepson

  1. Wow this doctor where to begin, late to court, late filing her statement and asking the defense to type it up for her. Claiming she had food poisoning. Onto t pee and her codswallop, I was once truelly legally insane, I was carted off by the police to a mental facility and while they were taking me to be sorted out due to psychosis I aparently bit a police officer. I’ve no memory at all of doing so but even so I still now feel guilty and remorseful about it and I was not charged by the police because they knew at the time I was legally insane. Didn’t know right from wrong and had previous to that taken 200 different medications trying to harm myself. Her claims she can’t recall the incident she talks all about it to dr Lewis and also covered up what she did which u don’t do when u are legally insane. Having did doesn’t qualify you as insane as many people have it and don’t use it as a defence to crimes when they commit them. Dr Lewis seriously needs to retire even a lay person can see how manipulative t pee is and was and played on all she said. Gleefully provided a confession to her the dr then lost apparently. It was written in Latin and maybe lost because it wasn’t in fact Latin and could be scrutinised. T pee is just a malingering narc with bpd and npd traits known to be highly manipulative for there own personal gain. People who are legally insane and recover still feel remorse after. Glad they found her guilty dr Lewis needs to retire after making a mockery of mental illness and those who truelly suffer with mental health issues

  2. I can barely understand half of what is said, i have it at 100% and its the worst audio. You'd think cops would have top of the line equipment in case they miss anything. Video and Audio of this case is awful!

  3. This doctor is an activist.
    Dissociative Personality Disorder is NOT defined as a psychosis in the psychiatric manual.
    A person is responsible for the actions of all personalities.

  4. She knew that she did. She know that she told him that's why she was trying to cover it up. Otherwise when she came to her senses if she didn't know she would have called the police. Instead she covered it up she drove his body to Florida. She knew that what she did if she didn't know she would have called the police when she saw his body. And she didn't do that so she knew exactly what she was doing. All the wise and the covering up and moving the body yes she definitely knew what she was doing as she deserves tipping in prison for the rest of her life

  5. This "doctor" is a wack a doo, crackpot…."ahhh uhh ahhh uhh" she is nothing more than a Leticia sympathizer! She wouldn't even say GANNONS name, she would only refer to him as "that child"!! Fly high Gannon, I'm so sorry you were left with that monster! 🕊 💙💙💙

  6. You are right about that LS that's not how it works, normally. However when you are a narcissistic sociopath and allow your jealousy and anger among other emotions to take the lead in your behavior and actions this is sadly what the outcome is. You made those decisions and no matter how much you don't want to take responsibiltiy or be held accountable for them you must. This is how life in the real world works and this is why you belong locked up for the rest of your days. No doubt you have some type of mental disorder but you most certainly were cognizant of your actions before after and during just as the thousands of pieces of evidence proves so. No matter how much you have tried to deny this and will continue try to convince people otherwise these are just the cold hard facts. You overplayed your hand and I'm not sure where you ever got the confidence to believe you would never be suspected in this. No matter how you spin it your fingerprints are all over this, along with trail of crimes, and many attempts to obstruct the investigation and the discovery of evidence. You now must except your punishment and learn to have some dignity and remorse. Repent for your sins and crimes that is the only way you will ever truly have peace in your life. For the sake of your many victims you left in your trail of destruction, deception, manipulation and selfishness you must confess your guilt and sins. Please beg forgiveness and spend the rest of your days giving back to others because if you do not I cannot tell if your soul will ever have peace since you have committed one of the greatest and most horrific crimes against humanity that is possible not only to a child but one who you were entrusted to care for. The betrayal is to a level so extreme even if you were to have some brain malfunction you would still should never see the outside of prison walls for you broke the greatest trust of all to the most vulnerable of our society how could you ever be trusted again in anyway! You have not shown an inkling of remorse for this crime or the myriad of wicked things you did following. You claimed to love that child yet have not shed one real tear for him. You are beyond despicable carrying on with this fake disorder you came up with on a whim over a year plus after the fact and no one that has ever known you has seen any evidence of nor are you even consistent with the behaviors and presenting of the diagnosis. You are a fake a fraud and a phoney but above all you are a child murderer as soon as you face the facts the better off you will be and when you are worthy you may actually be forgiven since you seem to care so much what people think of you. Well give them a reason to think positively of you again and confessing and repenting will be a huge step in that direction. Do you truly believe if a jury were to findnyou insane that would excuse what you did to Gannom and people would like you and forgive you? If so I believe you are sadly mistaken because we all saw how you behaved through the entire thing even if you were able to fool a jury ( which you will not) popular opinion is you are guilty and you are a monster. If you want people to think better of you, your chances achieving that will be greater if you come clean and grow up. Also have some self respect. How you have carried on since this crime is shameful and TBH makes you look even more selfish and very silly.

  7. Does anyone remember during the Jodi Arias trial there was a chaotic/hostile defense psychology expert witness? Her name was Alyce LaViolette and she was a circus act— this witness is giving me deja vu like crazy! 😂

  8. Well she did a better job by collecting 350 $ an hour , the rest was BS . The notes LS wrote in Russian weren’t there. That was a waist of time . Question is now will she take the risk of testify? I wouldn’t cause this didn’t add anything.. and all these personalities? Isn’t stress bringing them out? Then why not in the courtroom? Stress enough I might think

  9. "Dr." Lewis clearly has ZERO compassion for Gannon or his family. Shame on her and this disgustingly gross testimony she presented to the court! I'm not a professional in any aspect that would be relative to this case, and I among many others, can see by the evidence presented that Letecia is 1000% guilty!

  10. Dr. Dorothy Lewis shows her incompetence in this case on the witness stand. It is a constant succession of sentences like: "I can't remember that. I can't say anything about it. I can't see inside her head. I don't know what she was thinking at that moment. Whether she could tell right from wrong, I can't say." Her statement is naive in the extreme, unprofessional and almost embarrassing. A perfect witness for the prosecution.

  11. How much money has this doctor made from her years of phsiciatry? She's just like those fake showboaters collecting bank like that crazy Christian guy Benny Hin

  12. Lies all lies. When Dr Lewis first started I felt bad for her. But as they went on with her video interviews with this evil so called mother, I changed that sentiment to this lady's a quack. Not that I ever doubted LS killed that poor baby but those videos, to me, were the nail in the coffin. If that jury believes anything Dr Lewis or LS said they gotta be out their minds.

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