Family of Former OKC Cop Convicted of Rape Speaks Out (Pt 1) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Family of Former OKC Cop Convicted of Rape Speaks Out (Pt 1) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

It’s the unforgettable image that put a crooked cop on the front page: former Oklahoma City patrolman Daniel Holtzclaw bawls like a baby in court. He’s convicted of raping and sexually assaulting 13 women while on duty. Andrea Isom and our station partner KFOR have the latest in the case.

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40 thoughts on “Family of Former OKC Cop Convicted of Rape Speaks Out (Pt 1) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. At least one of the women has recanted her testimony. And also some of the women identified him as the wrong race, and size etc. He very well may be innocent. When they tested the first person that came forward, there wasn't any DNA evidence on her to say that it even happened, no DNA found on her!! As for the other DNA from a so called other victim it was very small and it could have come from him being in contact with her when he pulled her over!!! I'm NOT convinced that he did it!

  2. He doesn't know what railroading is. The jurors were totally convinced… and discerning about the charges.

    Turning off his radio. The incidents ramped up. He's guilty. Justice happened.

  3. These women are shit ugly. I don’t see how any man could rape these women. You’d have to wear blindfold mask and stink protection to get within 10 feet of these women. It my wildest imagination I can’t imagine anyone raping these women. Hope Danial wins his appeal. I honestly don’t believe he raped these women.

  4. At 6:15 this almost brought me to tears. To see a woman being abused and taken advantage of like that. The weakest and most vulnerable of our society no less. I hope this scumbag gets everything that's coming to him.

  5. Rot in prison and enjoy the years. Hope some one did the same to him like he done to his victims. Be aware parents, your parenting skills are poor and Daniel is the product of your raising.

  6. Daniel needs to man up and admit he's a sexual deviant!!! Stop putting your family through all this, DANIEL!!!! YOU ALREADY WENT THROUGH ALL YOUR PARENTS SAVINGS PERVERT COP!!! DISGUSTING!!!!

  7. Want the TRUTH? Daniel has a tiny penis. It's been his embarrassment all of his life. BECAUSE of this, he was angry. Angry all of his life- ask past friends. He was publicly embarrassed by a black female arrestee in court during his first few months as a cop. This is why he chose Black women and those who he thought would not be believed if told on. He used his tiny penis as a weapon and to embarrass women he didn't like.

  8. Well since he's going to have to be in protective custody for the rest of his life, I would say there's a pretty good chance he's at Florence Colorado. Just a hunch.

  9. Lol, I mean why would there even be so much incidents if it werent nothing, I mean why would he stop people even when not in duty for traffic stuff and go far of the road, thats just tell tale sign, he probably also like colored female and had a thing for that, nah, the dude just sparked guilty in the interview as well from when he sat down, then when he took of his uniform and relaized he was fucked he was breathing so heavy he almost had a heart attack in that room, guilty as 💩💩💩

  10. Various unconnected women, many stopped while he was off clock with his computer turned off, (how convenient), have the same story under oath, and his family believes him? Yeah right. They believe in winning at any cost, including lying.

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