The families of Idaho student murders victims released a statement following alleged killer Bryan Kohberger’s indictment and arraignment Monday. Two of the families also filed a notice to reserve their right to sue the city of Moscow over the brutal murders. The Law&Crime Daily team has the details.
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I don’t leave they did protect their students
I don’t believe the city of Moscow protectes their students
I cannot believe, one of the room mates, heard cries, opened her door, witnessed the obvious perp and did not call 911 !!!! WHY NOT ? Why not check on her room mates, right there and then ? I have a strange version of what happened ; maybe this girl left the front door open, for the perp to give everyone a scare. She would have had no clue, he was going to kill them all. How did he get in ? was the lock tempered with ? was the door damaged ? was it fine, therefore, someone would have left it open ?????? that is my intuition and it has bothered me, since the beginning. That door !!!!!!! How did he get it ??????? Investigate that girl. Do not take her words as the truth, as her behavior was highly suspicious. Drunk ? but she could open the door and describe the guy……more than strange. I feel she may have left the door open for him, thinking it was going to be a prank ! Well, now, she needs to talk or she is an accomplice ! This is my opinion of the murders of the University students in Moscow Idaho.
Why would they sure the entire city?? That doesn’t make any sense
There's more to story. No scrawny crime nerd is flawlessly murdering 4 adults over a three story building without a scratch on himself and nobody in the house waking up during 4 people getting murdered. In 40 years i've NEVER not noticed if someone was using the bathroom in my house, not once. How do 4 people get MURDERED in your house. And not even together, if it happened swiftly at once, 4 SEPARATE murders. I think that house was involved something bigger, every single person in this case.
KG’s father & family are determined to make every penny they can off of their dead daughter. It makes me have little empathy for them based on how they’ve acted. LE did their job thoroughly. They probably didn’t tell them anything because they knew her family’s love of sharing details they told them. KG’s family are is the reason for the gag order.
Why? I am not saying they deserve it… But they put every piece of information about themselves real and made up and wanted to be famous… Now they are. The parent should take some responsibility
WHY were these ignorant kids snap chatting about everything HOURS before someone finally called 911??!!
It is my belief he had help because injuries being different and the possibility of another weapon
A sign of normal labor is also abdominal and stomach pain and back pain. She knew what she was doing once the baby was out, though. She knew that was a baby. She could have opened the door and called for help. The baby may have survived. She didn't want the baby because it was a complication to her life. I understand that and am sympathetic to that, but you can't do what she did in order to avoid those complications.
That 19-yr. old is not a child. She is a woman. You cannot convince me that she didn't know she was pregnant and isn't guilty of murdering her infant. Hold her accountable!
Now why wouldn't Steve sue Dylan and probably Brittany? We don't know what time anyone actually died. Drug enforcers normally don't wait for the last breath. So, who among the four were laying there dying? Were there one, two, maybe even three? They should have been taken asap to the nearest hospital and be in ORs getting all stitched up. Hospitals, doctors and supporting staff are brilliant, amazing and they do perform miracles. And then there are blood transfusions to boot. I had blood transfusions, otherwise I would not be here. Why weren't they taken care of in a humane way? Oh, Dylan had to let the drug enforcers take showers and clean up the bathroom and all bloody footprints after – she couldn't call 911 or the next to be taken out would be herself. No, Dylan had people in high places and quickly called her mom, who even more quickly got her a lawyer and from then on there was nothing much for Dylan to do but call her sorority sisters and have them come over and take away the drugs that her bf, Quinn Kelley, had been storing in that downstairs bedroom. They had a large party that Friday night with over 100 people, from Greeks, students, locals to criminals – soup to nuts. They took in $15K to $17K – not bad for one night.
Idaho owes nothing to these families.
Omg that mother had no idea.
I can't understand why she didn't just be honest about being pregnant what's the worst that could happen her parents have a go at her like give her the 3th degree that's all but instead she throws the pour baby in the bin now that's disgusting if you ask me it really doesn't matter about how old the girl is in my opinion she's old enough to know right from wrong so basically what she gone was kill her newborn baby it's a horrible thing to say but it's the truth it's just vile evil nasty and uncalled for throwing a baby away like a peace of rubbish madness
Hope the hospital pays the cost
Urine pregnancy test takes only 2 minutes
Oh nobody told her she was pregnant. Give me a rest.
Ridiculous. The two families need to concentrate on the trial. Notice I said two families. It’s not the city’s fault someone killed their children, yes it’s terrible. They might as well sue the surviving roommates for not being killed themselves or perhaps not stopping the killer. Absurd.
After delivering 4 children, I don't get how these teens deliver babies without any noise or assistance. Having babies hurt – even your 4th baby hurts like crazy!!!
How is that any worse than abortion? In a way I thinking putting a baby in the trash can is somewhat more humane than pulling it’s limbs off with tongs and crushing it’s skull and then sucking it out with a vacuum
Yo at least include that ur covering another case in the same vid just don’t put the title as one case and then cover multiple cases in one vid smh
Really not sure why they would sue the city. Seems like they did a pretty good thorough investigation. They caught the guy and now prosecuting him. not sure what else they want
Why would they sue the city of Moscow? It seems like they did a decent job.
The motion also allows them up to 2yrs to sue Moscow for not doing things correctly in this investigation. This is good for the family
The tax payers should not have to pay for this lunatics attorneys, he should have to defend his self , he is as guilty as sin ! Lethal injection is to good for him!
Lots of babies don’t cry when their born and need stimulation, that doesn’t mean anything!! I don’t think she’s telling the whole truth here. And hiding the baby with a clean trash liner over it, proves that she was trying to deceive everyone. I do understand that the brain is still far from mature at her age, but many women have had babies as teenagers, and she was definitely old enough to know what a baby was, and to know right from wrong. She also had been denying that she’d ever had se%, so I think there should be consequences here!!
There is something called back labor and front labor. She had major back labor.
Why didn’t the grandma ask to see the poor baby ? I would have immediately. How sad