Exclusive: ‘Vampchick’ Discusses Double Murder From Behind Bars (Part 1) – Crime Watch Daily

Exclusive: ‘Vampchick’ Discusses Double Murder From Behind Bars (Part 1) – Crime Watch Daily

She was obsessed with horror stories. But even her closest friends could not imagine those dark fantasies could turn into a deadly reality. Ana Garcia reports.

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34 thoughts on “Exclusive: ‘Vampchick’ Discusses Double Murder From Behind Bars (Part 1) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Crime watch conveniently forgot to mention that this stepfather was EXTREMELY abusive, to her, her mother and his own kids. The mom just let this abuse happen. Ashley tried to get away by living with her biological father, who turned out to be abusive too, so she returned to her mom. This stepdad would pretend to rape her mom in front of the kids, would strangle his own kids until they passed out, hit and punched them, killed their family pets… it's no wonder finally she just couldn't take this abuse any longer… All she wanted to do was get away but no, this abuser couldn't let her go. No wonder she snapped.. and she literally saved herself and her sisters in the process. They act like it's all about stupid adolescent angst…

  2. الله يرحمهم و يغفر لهم و يسكنهم الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة بفضل الله و رحمته و مغفرته و جوده و كرمه سبحانه وتعالى

  3. I don't like how this is depicted to reinforce the stereotype about how people who wear dark clothes being evil… I am into dark makeup, clothes and I ain't harmed nobody.. And the fact that I like vampires.. I think this chick is just crazy.. It is not because she's into dark clothes

  4. What other choice did she have but to kill a sadistic stepfather and a bitch-mother who, in order not to lose her fucker, did nothing to protect her children. She was unjustly convicted. Who would help her? Police? Social services? Let's not fool ourselves.

  5. Damn I can see the unhappiness in her hair. My mother sent me to high school in tough skin pants. The other kids were brutal. She wasn't even nurtured to take care of her own hair. Very important time for a little girl life age to take care of her hair. Her mother fully drop the ball.

  6. When the patrol officer asked her if she knew what her arrest was for and she says,, about the murder! Now, an innocent person might say, about the accident. She planned this and is now trying to hide behind an abuse claim. Please. Smh.

  7. Damn, I live in Wisconsin but nowhere near Rhinelander but I am familiar with Oneida and the casino. I use to be in that gothic mindset but never have I killed anyone.

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