They are two sides of one horrible crime: There’s a monster with murder on his mind, and there’s a young victim who with an unstoppable will to live. Lachele Nance earned the nickname “Miracle Girl.”
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Somebody was praying for her 🙏🏾 thank God she's alive
What a beautiful young lady! I pray her story can be used to help others!
He is truly evil.
Isn't checking for a pulse the first thing you do? To not expect someone is dead but make sure if they are?
Did u do dna test people need to be honest is best policy or fabricated she’s pretty girl but there is fake people?
🙏🏾♥️🌺🌹💐Dont never give up. GOD is always there
I know people have good intentions taking people into their homes who need a place to stay and stuff, but maybe don’t do that if you have children. If your kids are grown or you have a house with just you and your partner fine, but strangers don’t need to be around children no matter how great they seem.. you just never know
Good for her taking her stand against him. She’s beautiful and I pray she heals from her ordeal.
You just can’t be letting just anybody in your home.
What is baffling is that the police didn't dig her out instantly when they found her. No… they didn't want to lift heavy rocks to get her out until they were certain she was alive. They waited… WHY????? Even if she had been dead you do everything you can to save her, which means pulling her out. Sick, worthless pigs
I pray to meet her 1 day I wanna be apart of the cause and fight against brutality I have not been SA but I want to make a difference… WE need change😪
How dare anyone reduce this monsters sentence!!? How could one hear what he did to an 8 year old and think 'yeah, let's reduce 4 life terms to 50 years' .
Milagro is one of the most dangerous convicts I have ever seen. His whole body is inside the devil's body suit. He's just missing horns.
The solution is, don’t give him the pacemaker!
My daughter is 8.. she is 8. 8. I look at her little 8 year old body and this ANGERS ME BEYOND BELIEF. I'm so glad God spared her life. This poor sweet girl.
Who takes in strangers and are not wary of them?
she’s beautiful and her mom is right 27 on dyalisis or pacemakers .. KARMA !
The man stacked concrete on a child while smiling. But let’s consider he was a teenager and lighten his sentence so he can go out and do it again.
Oh my goodness!! Poor child, I'm glad she survived and got justice. Never bring in a man from the streets, especially when you have a child.
Strong beautiful woman 💘
They need to stop going for the crazy game
Man she is gorgeous. It really makes me happy that she was smart enough to survive but sad still that she had to even endure that. Especially as a child. I hope she has a great life and is able to leave that trauma behind. Again, what a beautiful woman she is.
Even a 7 year old knows from right form wrong.
What a beautiful, strong young lady. Thank you Jesus someone came in time.
Poor little thing. Oh Jesus help this fallen world.
They took him off the street and let him be around children? No offense, but if you have children around DONT do that. 😞
She’s so beautiful. 🥺
Just wow
Thanks god she is Alive .. 😭🧸💔
This documentary educated me on how grateful I am there are prisons and all the loveing care in the world won't make some INDAVIDUALS non violent.Still think prisoners should be safe from each other wile serving there sentences and toilet paper and soap should be free.sue in chicago
poor girl buried him alive!
Am so happy she is ok no one deserves to have happen what he did to her as for the family they did a good thing by taking him in to try n help him n he does this to the family no one is a to blame for his actions he did that him self n deserves to be punched. For his attorneys saying that he had the. The brain capacity of a seven year old even a seven-year-old would know better the excuse they gave was to get him off with less time which is not right
This brilliant, vibrant and beautiful young survivor is nothing short of a miracle! I will pray for your continuous healing and nothing but peace for you for the rest of your life my dear, God bless 💕 I can't believe he laughed and said "sorry" as he was putting those concrete blocks on top of her…. I'm SO relieved they found her still alive!!! Prayers for the officers that do this kind of work as well…. I hope he stays locked up for a very very long time bc I think a person like this will offend again! It's a shame they relied on her to push for a harsher sentence im just so happy to hear he got 50 years, hopefully he is forced to serve that full sentence!
She has such a big heart. To be out here trying to take care of others after everything she has been through. What an amazing human.
I can’t imagine losing all hope while being viciously punched in my face 😬
So grateful ima man and not a woman
Omg she was only 8. Jesus
He was 17 , if he ain’t know btr fck that ion care let him learn in jail. But 50 years is damn near life he ain’t getting out
Sh's an angel, and so loved by God. I'm sure God preserved her out of love and to give us hope in our own struggles.
God is so good 🙏🏼this baby was meant to live a long healthy life🥹
krama is real
Didn’t look 17 to me. Maybe he lied about his age if he was claiming he was an orphan and is a notorious liar.
Wow! Beautiful souls, the police that found her and wept, the victim, that refused to let him win, and the Mom, oh what a Mom! God Bless each of you!!
Don’t take strangers into your home!!!!! You can give them food but seriously…if you don’t know them…keep disrance
she is so beautiful and brave
Oh my heart! I am thrilled their beautiful, precious child is alive! I pray that they all find some measure of comfort in all of the love that surrounds them. Including mine. I pray for the white light of safety, comfort and love surround them all for eternity.
What a horrible thing to go through at any age. I am glad she was a strong young girl and beat the odds to tell her story. Now a beautiful young woman helping others alike is a testament to her resilience and her personality. God bless you young lady may your life be filled with happiness and love.
Aaww bless her. I hope she’s doing well wherever she is. You’re such a brave young woman. Lots of love ❤️
so brave!
Why the hell didn't they check to see if she was alive immediately? How long was she in there while the officers were analyzing the scene? You cannot presume she's dead. You gotta check.
Why tf would anyone believe YOU DIDNT KNOW right from wrong??! Is that why u took her AWAY from the home? And why u threatened her and then tried to hide her body when u thought u killed her??