Diane Zamora wants to set the record straight in this Crime Watch Daily exclusive. She claims this will be the first time she’s told her real side of the story.
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Diane Zamora wants to set the record straight in this Crime Watch Daily exclusive. She claims this will be the first time she’s told her real side of the story.
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Blah blah blah slap that smerk off your face ! Liar !
She isn’t aging well! Nasty POS! You don’t deserve parole !!!
How stupid to tell on yourself
She has no remorse what's effort after all these years!!!
She is a pathological liar. 😢
She needs to face reality and tell the truth it was not just David she was responsible
She needs to remain in prison, she hasn't changed a bit, she has no remorse and she still can't tell the truth. May God have mercy on her
Apparently Adrienne didn’t even sleep with David.. So why did this happen? 🤷♀️
She and the boyfriend are both sociopathic.They viewed the young girl they killed as an object not a person.They felt that they were elite and the victim was less than….she was challenging his manhood by making him prove he would kill this young lady.
Who else caught the contact lie ?
Well all I need to hear or know is you were there, hiding when ur boyfriend went to pick up the girl he cheated with. Guilty guilty guilty! There were definitely no good intentions.
David could've had any woman he wanted. Why he pined for this stupid kuntt and killed for her is beyond me and his life is ruined, and the life of an innocent girl is gone. There are so many fish in the ocean, don't get hung up on any one person.
So sad she has absolutely no remorse after all these years
When will we hear HIS side of the story.
Shouldve got the electric chair. She is a narcissistic psychopath. Zero remorse.
She was stunning when she was young, but only on the outside. Still she doesn't seem to have any remorse.
You teenagers why you want to make sex to someone who is dating some else…..pay the consequences period..
She didn't plan the killing, her boyfriend was a psychopath. And she didn't do anything to stop him, or herself from injuring the victim. She is a clear accessory planning, or no planning.
She smiled through the whole thing. She's not sorry and never will be. She's rehearsed in what she says and does and is a master manipulator. I would love to hear from some of her cellmates because I wouldn't put it past her to play puppet master behind bars, too. She needs to go back into obscurity and rot until her last breath. The whole "I was young and made a mistake", is just ridiculously callous. A mistake is when you're learning to drive and bump a curb, or smashing pumpkins and ringing doorbells on mischief night. Planning to murder a girl, with your boyfriend isn't even close to a "mistake". That one sentence says more about her than anything. Takikg someone's life because you're jealous is a mistake? Even after 20 years that's what she says? The mistake in this scenario is ever giving her one iota of attention. She's a narcissistic sociopath and I hope she never gets parole. Giving this girl parole, that would be a mistake, a huge one!
She should stay in forever!’ A lying murderer! May God have mercy on her!
Saying she was "young and stupid" is ridiculous. We were all young and stupid at one point, most of us didn't commit murder.
She is disgusting and a killer
Why was Adrianne's blood on the weight then? Diane is and always will be a liar
OMG this "expert" interview is so dumb 🤯 lol
I lived in Fort Worth at the time that this happened. She is lying.
I like the LIE GUY he’s good —— ZAMORA is where she should be until death but that’s just my opinion she’s a criminal mastermind
Everybody talks except Diane
Thats a woman for you….runs her mouth in the beginning, refuses to own up to facts in the end
I wouldn’t even call her a master manipulator because she isn’t fooling anyone. Look at her little even smile now and even back then as she walked into the courtroom. She’s a piece of garbage. “I was just so young and stupid.” No, you plotted to carried out killing someone over some stupid guy that you’re not even with anymore. I can’t stand this lady
Sad that she is not taking responsibility for her part in this murder.
Ice cold. No remorse. Must be a sociopath.
Andrianne is falsly accused.
I wouldn't have accepted anything less that the death penalty for this stupid woman.
Animal 🔓
I’d still do her
I have no problem at all with Diane Zamora getting out of prison. When Adrian walks out of her grave, then Diane is free to walk out of prison.
Please! For the greatest good of society leave that psychopathic liar in prison forever. Incarceration is not always just about punishment; it is about public safety.😶
She’s a complete sociopath and ABSOLUTELY — she needs to be under the jail.
She is just evil this guy had zero motive to kill this girl the only reason this happened was because she demanded her be killed!!! She's evil
She should rot locked up.👹
You don’t need an expert, just a person with half a brain. She is full of shit.
She is nothing but a Cold-Hearted Narcissist who is still lying and still blaming everyone but herself!
Years of prison time and she is still the same lying little TWAT she was back then with zero remorse!!
Gahhh dang!!!! 😠 I just wanna smack that crooked lil’ smirk off her evil face!!
I'm not sorry a slut got killed