Exclusive: Jailhouse Interview with Diane Zamora – Crime Watch Daily

Exclusive: Jailhouse Interview with Diane Zamora – Crime Watch Daily

November 9: Young, in love and convicted of murder. The jailhouse exclusive with Diane Zamora – and what investigators have to say. Michelle Sigona reports.

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15 thoughts on “Exclusive: Jailhouse Interview with Diane Zamora – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Zamora, you had a PHYSICAL PART in the murder: you hit the victim with dumbbel weight! You're quite hypocrit on top of being sociopath and hysterical!

  2. Zero remorse. Still to this day not accepting any responsibility. It shows she belongs where she is. All of them with what could have been bright futures. What an absolute and utter waste of all of their lives over nothing.

  3. What horrible choices. Adrianne Jones would probably be happily married, and these two could of completed a 20-year career in the military… successful and enjoying life. But that is not the reality. Adrianne is dead, RIP, and these two miserable people are in prison until maybe their senior age.

  4. We all know the scandal of her exaggerated breathing when she was asked to take a polygraph test during these interviews so it’s not even worth watching any of her interviews 🙄

  5. She killed a beautiful white young girl. Jealousy. That being said I don't think she would be a danger to society in 2019. Were you the same at 17 as you are today? I'm guessing the answer to that is no. I think that young girl that passed away would want them free . I think it's a disservice to her memory to keep people suffering. To fully heal forgiveness is key. Take in consideration they were just kids we all make mistakes. Our brains aren't fully developed as young teens. It is time to release all that negative energy and let them be free . I do not believe they are the same as they were when they were teenagers cuz I don't know one person that is regardless of the circumstances… and anybody that thinks that I feel sorry for you.

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