Exclusive Interview: Calvin Harris acquitted after 4 trials (Pt 2) – Crime Watch Daily

Exclusive Interview: Calvin Harris acquitted after 4 trials (Pt 2) – Crime Watch Daily

When Michelle Harris went missing, the focus turned to her soon-to-be ex-husband Cal Harris as the primary suspect — and investigators find the smoking gun.

Full story: http://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/09/27/special-investigation-calvin-harris-acquitted-after-4-murder-trials-in-death-of-wife/


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29 thoughts on “Exclusive Interview: Calvin Harris acquitted after 4 trials (Pt 2) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. After four trials and two+ decades, Cal Harris is still looking for validation and a payout. 🙄 From within his narcissistic glory (rage), he would promptly (neurotically) remind us that he was skillfully (technically) acquitted by a single judge’s decision.

    But since then, Cal has followed up his self-aggrandizing morality with a bit of creepy & criminal behavior (stalking included)—which some analysts deemed probable—much like OJ Simpson’s striking post-trial downfall.

    It seems that another snake has begun to consume his own tail. 🐍

  2. If it's true that his wife was terrified in a closet while he was standing outside brandishing a gun, and that he was at least verbally and emotionally if not physically abusive to her, and he cheated on her, I'm glad he did time in jail. Too often these guys get away with this stuff, particularly wealthy white guys.

  3. This man committed premeditated murder. He knew he would never have to part with HIS money to Michelle. When she died he got the house the kids and all HIS money. This man can't except losing period!! So she had to go. The money was also his family's money through the dealership. A lot was at stake for HIM. Plus he looks like a creepoid!!

  4. There is no evidence. When I cut my hand it bled like a stuck pig. When I cut my arm with a can lid I lost so much blood we were skating all over the hallway and kitchen and porch and car. The fact that he did not wonder where she was is no surprise. She was divorcing him. If my husband were divorcing me and suddenly disappeared I wouldn't care. I sure wouldn't look for him. A witness saw someone else at the end of the driveway around the time she went missing. A burn pit next door is a possibility. Even if he did it, there is no compelling evidence to justify a conviction. He is rich and we don't like him. Too bad. No body. No evidence tying him to the crime. Of course she is dead. He is pretty clever. He might be despicable, but I don't think he is dumb enough to kill her during a divorce. There are more logical possibilities. Think about the missing girl, whose boyfriend was the main suspect. She turned up in freezer three years later 350 miles away. Innocent people fail polygraphs. Guilty people can pass them. That is why they are not admissible in court.

  5. I think this guy is a victim of small town mentality. Maybe he is a jerk, maybe he isn’t, but everyone appears to want him to be guilty. Just because he is a jerk doesn’t make him a murderer. He was obviously a loving, doting father whose kids adored him. Let’s face it, the mother was a cheap sl-t that hung around criminsls and bar-hopped without any regard for her children. Even if Calvin said in anger that he would kill her, she probably deserved it. However, I don’t think he murdered her because the evidence convinces me otherwise.

  6. Let's face it, Cal Harris was born into money. I don't think Michelle would have given him a second look if he didn't have money. He isn't exactly good looking and he seems a very angry man. I laughed when the narrator said they met and fell in love. Michelle fell in love with Cal's money, not his looks or him. Cal Harris is an arrogant man. It must be remembered he failed a lie detector. For a man who claims to be innocent, how come he failed a lie detector. Says it all.

  7. Calvin is not likeable, but I do not think he murdered her. Try the boyfriend, who burned bloody clothes, who was spotted by two witnesses arguing with Michelle in the driveway.

  8. yo!! ppl talking about he's too calm, too ready with answers. man stood trial 4 TIMES!! they don't even mention how long and often he was interrogated before that. you don't think he's been over every particle of this 800 times? is he supposed to break down and weep every time he's forced to talk about it? y'all would call it fake. is he supposed to stutter over every question? y'all would call him a liar for not having his story together. man stood trial 4 TIMES. if there was any way to find him guilty, it would've happened. look elsewhere to solve this case.

  9. Cal Harris killed his wife. You can see his eyes looked evil. He doesn't have any emotion describing the crime. It looked like he rehearsed all his answers. He is a controlling psychopath.

  10. If you’re rich, you can just keep appealing the verdict you don’t like until you get the verdict you agree with. Eventually you’ll get a judge that doesn’t give a shit or is sick of wasting millions of dollars on these trials. It’s gross.

  11. His arrogance is what makes him appear so guilty and probably is actually truly guilty. His cavalier and narcissistic personality is so common in domestic murders.

  12. He is 100% NOT guilty. He had nothing to do with his wife's disappearance. No one was paid off. I know cal personally and he is NOT guilty u are all simply making accusation with no proof.

  13. Usually when theyre guilty they say "theres no evidence" but its like if theyre innocent..if i was innocent and they say did you do it..ima be like …i didnt do it….he said there is no body no this no that..if u mentioned all that itd be "theres no body no weapon on top of the fact i didnt do it!!" …but ..thats just me

  14. Ok. Soo.i admit im not a forensic scientist im no investigator or whatever. And either way u cnt win if you tlk too much your guilty and if you dont tlk..your guilty ..but somthin about him makes me wonder like..the way he talking ..Usually when theyre guilty they say "theres no evidence" but its like if theyre innocent..if i was innocent and they say did you do it..ima be like …i didnt do it….he said there is no body no this no that..if u mentioned all that itd be "theres no body no weapon on top of the fact i didnt do it!!" …but ..thats just me

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