Ex-NFL Player Travis Rudolph Shot At Victims 39 Times, Prosecutor Says

Ex-NFL Player Travis Rudolph Shot At Victims 39 Times, Prosecutor Says

Opening statements kicked off Wednesday morning in the ex-NFL player’s murder trial. Prosecutor Richard Clausi detailed the case against Travis Rudolph, a former wide receiver for the New York Giants. “He shot at them 39 times,” Clausi explained. “He was on the offense.”

#TravisRudolph #NFL #LawAndCrime

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50 thoughts on “Ex-NFL Player Travis Rudolph Shot At Victims 39 Times, Prosecutor Says

  1. My rebuttal would have been, “There’s a reason why your hair is is receding and you have a pull over on your head. We need to charge you with having a barber that allowed that fvcked up haircut you got thinking you pulling these hoes.”

  2. The prosecutor had the shakes. I believe. He did not want to hold that mike. It has some weight I guess it was to much to handle. He had to stick to the prosecution narrative. Read the body language. He was hella nervous

  3. The word victim in the title of this video presents a bias. It does not paint the full picture and/or allow the viewer to make their own judgement.

  4. I am praying that this man is found not guilty. These men showed up at HIS house. My opinion is if they got hurt, they brought it on themselves. They went looking for trouble and they got it!!

  5. Scum of the earth prosecutor, he knows there too much reasonable doubt, but he still is trying to say there is no reasonable doubt. Smh. If he gets found guilty there has to be some type of petition

  6. He’s in that chair because the female he was dating lied on him and lied to her brother. Her brother over reacted by bringing a gun and 3 others. They started the altercation and the Rudolph brothers defended themselves. Also, girlfriend was the one who hit Travis and caused the whole thing. I sure hope my son chooses wisely who he dates! Because these times are scary.

  7. A woman can really ruin someone’s whole life. I believe that she hated who he was and knew the right buttons to press to get him where she wanted. Men need to stop dealing with these type of females, specially when they have careers.

  8. These 4 men had bad intentions. If they just went to talk, why park 300 ft. away and at midnight.If my intention is to talk, I'm going to pull up to your front door during the day. Between the girlfriend altercation and them showing up at his house seem like a lot of time passed. That tells me they were trying to catch him off guard, you know, a surprise attack.His brother was getting jumped that alone puts his life in danger. Because of the situation, his intentions was reactive not premeditated. Hurt, scard, and anger can happen within seconds, add some adrenalin. You're not thinking, let alone, trying to premeditated murder. Just because they were going to the car doesn't mean leaving. They could have been coming back around for a finale good. They did have a gun, and if one had a gun, they all had a gun this is Florida.

  9. 4 “MEN” not boys, stop trying to color the facts of the case as if they were some innocent children who were shot at for no reason!!!

  10. I noticed the system goes after entertainers harder than they do elected officials & law enforcement when they commit similar or worse crimes. Its a grave miscarriage of justice that the NFL player is being charged but the girlfriend Dominique is not. May she experience the full depth of her horrible actions

  11. Your home is your Fortress It’s your place of comfort, they went to the man's doorstep with the intention of violence i’m sorry I don’t have remorse for the one that died.

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