Ex-Husband Confronts Accused Kid Killer Letecia Stauch About Blood in Dead Son’s Room

Ex-Husband Confronts Accused Kid Killer Letecia Stauch About Blood in Dead Son’s Room

Letecia Stauch’s ex-husband, Al Stauch, confronted his accused child murderer wife about a puddle of blood that was found in the room of his son Gannon.

#LeteciaStauch #GannonStauch #LawAndCrime

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30 thoughts on “Ex-Husband Confronts Accused Kid Killer Letecia Stauch About Blood in Dead Son’s Room

  1. If you ever wonder how far a narcissist will take it. They will definitely murder your own child they pretended to be the overworked parent of and gaslight you and the FBI behavioral unit.

  2. She kept on telling him to stop yelling at her at times he wasn’t actually yelling so she could think of another lie to tell, but dad found a loophole in every story she told.

  3. Makes me so sad for this guy… trying to get the truth out of a pathological liar is literally like pulling teeth! Round and round in circles… not matter what you ask them they grab onto something insignificant you've said and they dwell on that instead of answering whatever your actually asking them. Sickening.

  4. Letecia where are you sitting Now???? Your Full Of Lies And Yes You Did Kill Gannon!!!!! Out Of Revenge!!!! And The Truth Doesn’t Change!!!!! Judge Please Please Give Gannon Justice!!!!

  5. I know about now her attorney’s want to crawl under the table 😂😂….. Letecia your not smart your pure Evil!!!! And Al is spot on the Truth Doesn’t Lie…. But she’s lied all her life and never held accountable!!!! I pray she’s held accountable for killing this precious little boy…. I have to turn the volume down bcuz I can’t stand her voice!!!!

  6. Props where props are due: This wonder-dad did everything he could to provide her with the opportunity to come clean and she just continued to try and drive him crazy with never-ending lies. So glad she went down hard and long for this crime. YAY Dad!

  7. I have some sympathy for this guy, but not a lot. He fought for custody knowing he wasn't even going to be home most of the time. He just didn't want to pay support. Then he knows she's angry and unstable, so he leaves his kids alone with her for weeks at a time.

  8. Her voice drives me crazy it’s so squeaky!!!! She knows she’s guilty and going to argue with him…. Yes you did Letecia I heard it…. Come on Al get her…. Harley is a example of what type person she is….

  9. Letecia The Truth Doesn’t Change!!!! She killed Gannon and she’s going to argue with Al…. Al was smart and caught her…. I guess Gannon took the drugs found in his system…. Please please get this monster off the street!!!!

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