Ex-FBI Agent Presses Letecia Stauch in Hopes She’d Confess To Killing Stepson

Ex-FBI Agent Presses Letecia Stauch in Hopes She’d Confess To Killing Stepson

A former FBI agent finished up his interview with accused child killer Letecia Stauch by grilling her about inconsistencies in her story in an attempt to get a confession. The agent said Stauch dodged his questions and refused to answer his question about the last time she saw her stepson, Gannon Stauch, alive before he allegedly disappeared. Staunch is accused of murdering the boy, stuffing his body in a suitcase, and traveling with it to Florida where she dumped him under a bridge.

#LeteciaStauch #GannonStauch #LawAndCrime

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34 thoughts on “Ex-FBI Agent Presses Letecia Stauch in Hopes She’d Confess To Killing Stepson

  1. Your correct LIEtecia, your never going to have to work another day in your life at a job which is a blessing -teaching America's Youth. You were so unworthy of that honor. You disgraced the profession in the short amount of time you attempted to be an educator and advocate for children. Your entire service time and time spent toward credentials to become a certified educator were a total waste.

  2. Another reason she won’t answer the question about the last time she saw Gannon (besides the fact that it’s a gruesome image) is she wants to keep all options open for her final crazy lie she wants to go with. To this day, even in prison, she’s spinning stories. She hasn’t come up with one that works yet, but don’t worry, she’s got plenty of time (and full details of discovery) to come up with something, we’re all going to be so shocked!

  3. The FBI agent ofcourse is right–she's going to live with that the rest of her life, BUUUUUT, she will FEEL NOTHING about this and what she did, the rest of her life. To feel things and guilt and remorse one NEEDS EMPATHY, which this TOTAL DARK TRIAD MALIGNANT NARCISSTIC bit*h LACKS!!

  4. Why is she allowed to put her head down during the trial? It’s like she’s sleeping! This is disrespectful to the Court and the Judge! I can’t believe he didn’t call her out and make her sit up to face what she’s done! 🤷‍♀️🤬

  5. Hey Al how u feel that u took the kids from Landon because of her husband and ur wife was the evil one it sucks hah I like u but don’t judge because look what happened u judge ur ex wife husband and it was ur wife the crazy one who killed ur son so I hope u say sorry to Landon and her husband because ur wife is the evil one

  6. Everyone from her family t her friend s and daughter they never seen red flags she cover it well she tell FBI saying Gannon is her favorite but on her Google search states I don’t like my step son she so ridiculous it on her search she hates hr step son !!!look at herhad she a joke

  7. The FBI asking her the lady time she seen the precious boy she can’t answer why because her lady image is her stabbing him beating with I’m thinking I was her Husband Al wood that had her DNA and bull it wh she can’t tell when it the last it was on he’s bed she already burned him so after they came back probably 5 hours after 2 he was drozzy from her meds she gave him and she beat him shot him stabbed him it why she don’t want to say when is her last time seeing Gannon that kid went through so much imagine the dad and mom feeling guilt especially Al think that Landon bf was not fit to be in he’s kids and to find he brought he’s kids to a parent who who thought he was a good mom because of how she was with Harley I kind feel bad for Landon and Al because like Landon said she was ok with Al wife but to find she hated u as the ex wife she felt betrayed because she thought she loved her Al and Landon and teshia Raman’s friends felt betray it sad she fool everyone even her own family especially her daughter

  8. It should of been a red flag no emotion it a red flag but the cops came was as dum it had to be FBI to see the RED FLAGS 🚩 it crazy those cops should be fired u should of looked her room he’s room they did nothing but believe her story he was a run away it crazy

  9. I’m sorry the cops who first cops failed in looking in her home and do more they didn’t even looked act her lack of a motion what those cops was dum no me new until the Google searched of her she hard her step son her family was shocked

  10. She got sick to her stomach when he Said give me your very last image of when you very last seen him. What was he doing. In bed, standing, sitting or what did you see. She clinches her stomach. Which goes back to when she looked up something about shock from a gun shot. 😔🥺🤦

  11. She's the most evil thing I have ever listened to. The Agent was brilliant in drilling it into her pea brain what the last image she has of Gannon. Whether she tells him or not, he planted that image in her brain and she will be haunted by it.

  12. Just the fact she sits for an interview without demanding legal representation by her side says everything! She knows her last vision and it’s horrific. She had found a way to rationalise something so irrational she has accepted it.

    She states that once the truth comes out she will never have to work another day in her life. She knows she will be incarcerated! Right where she belongs.

    RIP Gannon. 💙

  13. The way she is unable to construct a simple sentence intelligibly is very telling of an uneducated, liar. Every interview she strings words together that don't belong 😳

  14. What the world is she doing? Sleeping? What kind of attorney allows his client to sleep in court, or even have the appearance of sleeping? I'd hold him in contempt as much as the monster he is representing.

    You can't already look at a body and determine innocence but this is the epitome of guilt. I don't know why they don't just encourage a plea given her lack of participation.

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