Ex-Best Friend of ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Gives Shocking Testimony During Trial

Ex-Best Friend of ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Gives Shocking Testimony During Trial

Melanie Gibb, the former best friend of “doomsday cult” mom Lori Vallow Daybell testified against her Thursday and revealed shocking details. Daybell is on trial for the murders of her children, Tylee Ryan and J.J. Vallow, and the murder of her husband Chad Daybell’s first wife, Tammy. The Law&Crime Network’s Gigi McIvey breaks down her testimony.

#MelanieGibb #LoriVallowDaybell #LawAndCrime

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47 thoughts on “Ex-Best Friend of ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Gives Shocking Testimony During Trial

  1. There is nothing normal about the LDS Church! 😳Their beliefs are just as crazy as the Daybell's. 😲I left it a long time ago and until things like this happen I never think about that dark time in my life!! 👍

  2. People are lost in those cults ans sects why they just hold on god and enjoy their life in with their family friends or even alone God give us so many good things what going creating this sects and cults what wast

  3. Melanie said during Chads preliminary hearing that she recorded the call for herself and not the cops. She wanted to be able to show her innocence and also wanted to tell Lori how she was feeling after Lori used her as an excuse for the cops when they were trying to find JJ.

  4. These creeps are disgusting, acting like discussing these murders is a good ole time. She's smiling for the first minute while he's barking like they're reporting on a fun football game. I couldn't keep watching beyond 1:30. Disgusting.

  5. Melanie gibb is not innocent in any of this, she was in it up to her eyes. I think she knew all of this, and I think she knew those kids were murdered and why. Maybe she didn’t have a direct role in the murder, but she was very weird and had a strange inappropriate behavior and jealousy of Tylee. Both the melanies and zulema and some of lori’s family just have no excuse, and are more involved than they’re admitting to. I think melanie, the niece is just the junior version of lori, and I would not be surprised if she ends up in prison for fraud and/or murder (or some other serious felony) eventually, she’s gross and a creep.

  6. Didn’t “perfect” Melanie go along with Chad and Lori’s nutcase diatribes and beliefs, to the point whereby “perfect” Melanie actually left her dear husband during that time? She outed her husband I believe, once she became a Chad and Lori cult member, zombies and all…..🙄please correct me if I’m wrong…..

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