All new heartbreak for the family of Pamela Butler, the computer specialist who mysteriously vanished has now been declared dead. Michelle Sigona reports.
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All new heartbreak for the family of Pamela Butler, the computer specialist who mysteriously vanished has now been declared dead. Michelle Sigona reports.
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Mom looks good for 82 years old!
Uptown is the worst! That's where the malicious crimes with dangerous intentions go down!!!
The mom looks good for 85
Her Mom is a sweetheart but you can hear the hurt in her voice…. I wish they could really put her to rest in moms lifetime but you’ll see your angel 😇 again someday 🙏🏻
Ok, this is really frightening – she may have caught her killer on camera…chills.
God BLESS HER MOM!! Momma is BEAUTIFUL AND IN HER RIGHT MIND🌟🌟my Nana passed in her early 70’s With Dementia which also took her looks as well 😭GOD BLESS U MOMMA N FAMILY 💝💓💞💓💝
85 year old mother???? Where at????? That woman is not 85 she looks way younger
Why wouldn’t she have video cameras on the side of her house where her bedroom window was… I feel so sorry for her family☹️
Chris Hanson been eating his rice & cabbage.
There were many tears in the courtroom on Friday as Rodriguez-Cruz finally admitted what Butler’s family had suspected all along – that he killed her inside the house on 4th Street, NW, and then under the cover of darkness and out of view of Butler’s many surveillance cameras, he slipped her body out a window and put her in the ground.
I feel so sorry for the mother, and the brother….their sorrow is evident, to have their loved one's life taken away so miserably by that killer. Incredible this scumbag is still walking free. Justice let Pamela down
Did they say striking computer analyst. She's a normal girl not super good looking or ugly.
The family did their own investigation? What kind of crazy is that?
What have the police done?
that brother seems a little suspicious to me. Im still watching though…..
I’m going to have to ask you to take your clothes off.. sounds normal to me
That’s definitely Grant Hill lol
her mom is beautiful dam i hope i look that good in 40+ years
I'm just curious about why Crime Watch Daily calls every woman "Striking" or "Beautiful."
She is 85? What a beautiful lady! So sorry for family. Bless 😇
Pakastani Lavar Ball definitely murdered her
Government jobs can be scary & its easy for them to cover their tracks. She might have none too much
Black DON'T crack
I live less than a quarter mile from where she used to live and walk my dog by her old house a few times a week. So sad.
Do you guys think that the boyfriend did it
she doesn't look 40 like that
it's obviously hose if he's caught on the camera and no sign of forced entry and his story was fake if they broke up why leave a note
no struggle and the alarm off means the boyfriend did it and he was in the house as he left a note so it's clearly him
The mother looks great at 85
very sad I feel their pain may God bless their heart
Luv you Thelma.
poor mother 😢