Elizabeth Smart shares how she uses her dark days being captive to help others heal.
Full story: http://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/10/27/elizabeth-smart-on-her-journey-from-survival-to-inspiration/
Elizabeth Smart shares how she uses her dark days being captive to help others heal.
Full story: http://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/10/27/elizabeth-smart-on-her-journey-from-survival-to-inspiration/
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I love Elizabeth Smart. She is such a wonderful survivor.
You even got married but keep using ur smart name instead of ur husband's tell me that's not bragging most normal people who been through this are happy to change there name . Bragging so sad
God bless you Elizabeth you are a very tough senstive young woman. Keep helping the women that you do for ever.
I find it so badass of her for being a happy, kind and successful woman after what had happened to her. I hope it is more than a slap on her abductors faces to see how strong the girl they failed to destroy.
Elizabeth is a strong inspirational and compassionate women. She’s truly an amazing women who can beat anything that comes her way. So happy that she’s helping others
جزاكم الله خيرا
آللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير
لا اله الا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين
إستغفر آلله العظيم رب العرش العظيم و اتوب اليه
سبحان آلله و الحمد لله و لا اله الا الله وآلله اكبر و لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
سبحان آلله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
I love her so much
Shes so strong!!! We love you 🙂 you are beautiful and very inspiring!!
I seriously admire Elizabeth's strength in doing what she does. After such an event I can't even imagine doing work so close to the trauma she suffered. I would think people would want to put it behind them and keep it as far from their mind as possible. The fact that she does this work to help others despite the constant reminder of her own trauma is truly inspiring.
It is astonishing how brave and strong she was/is even after everything, she didn’t let what happened to her define her or consume her but instead she’s telling her story for the sole purpose of helping other women/people. Now that to me, is true bravery❤️
U should investigate the person behind Pewdiepie, H3H3podcast, Mamamax , and corpse. They're part of a network of killers hiding in plain sight. They kill kids. Using a device known as RED(Radiological exposure device ) they're able to give victims cancer, cause aneurysm and heart failure while making content around it. Tik Tok also seems to be doing the same. I imagine people are getting paid big by big names in order to stay silent.
She is amazing
I love elizabeth smart she is awesome!!!!
its been 18 years, tell us what really happened. Did you get pregnant at 14 so you had to fake a kidnapping for 9 months?
Last vid made me cry bruh why is she so amazing
please help support Elizabeth by subscribing to her channel here:
After what she’s gone through, rather than just giving up on everything, she’s fighting back. Good. For her! Nothing but respect for her.
I love Elizabeth smart. she makes me have hope and keeps me on my kids and teach them extra on top of what I've taught them. BRAVE BRAVE BRAVE STRONG STRONG 14 YO GIRL. now a extremely strong and brave woman. I'm so happy you survived.
this is directly aimed at the 37 people who have disliked this video, please drop of the face of this earth, thanks
My daughter said you're her hero cause something bad happened to her I won't say what but you Elizabeth is one of her Hero's
I've been leaning to the song fight song and I think that Elizabeth should listening to it cause it fits her perfectly
I had nothing happen to me compared to her. Yet she’s miles ahead of me in every way.
She is a hero, so brave and so inspirational. But watching her interviews on the channel. Her interviewing skills and story telling skills are not very impressive. Just a personal fair statement as an audience.
I hope Karma makes those monsters lay for what they did to this girl! She is so amazing and so sweet ❤️ I hope she has the best life ever and is happy ❤️
Throughout the entire interview the interviewer's eyes..
Very brave woman! Shame on these people! This is something that needs international attention and protests and riots.
I absolutely love Elizabeth smart such strong woman
No not animals. Animals don't behave as badly towards their young. They're not monsters they are simply evil.
Just her voice is so welcoming or comforting. She is an amazing survivor and advocate!
She reminds me of a mix of pam beesly from the office and Betty Cooper from riverdale, idek what I'm on
Elizabeth Smart is an extremely brave survivor!
She seems like such a sweet, happy person if I were her I don’t know if I could have gotten through what she got through. She is a great role model.
Chris wants Elizabeth to " have a seat" on his face.
Elizabeth Smart is amazing ❣️ she is so strong and inspirational.
Anyone who'd harm a child like that i don't even consider human. It's disgusting and instead of life Elizabeth's captors should have been burned at the stake or at least gassed to death or drown by a large man. Anything else is too good for them. Including the man's life prison term. Can't believe they let the woman by with just 15 years she was just as big a part of it as the man was.
A truly bizarre story. Why would a person choose a "career" in her own mistaken life path? So now she relives the event daily! I fear for her future.
She’s so beautiful
Reporter is about to cry
It's really painful whatever she needs through