Elizabeth Smart on her journey from survival to inspiration (Pt 1) – Crime Watch Daily

Elizabeth Smart on her journey from survival to inspiration (Pt 1) – Crime Watch Daily

Crime Watch Daily Special Correspondent Elizabeth Smart describes her harrowing story of endless rape, threats and terror at the hands of her captors.

Full story: http://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/10/27/elizabeth-smart-on-her-journey-from-survival-to-inspiration/


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26 thoughts on “Elizabeth Smart on her journey from survival to inspiration (Pt 1) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. She yes you Elizabeth got empowered after all that went platinum lighter to show defiant independence self expression he wasn't gonna make you not go blonder then redhead. Your so fortunate to have that husband family you got a normal life after all that!

  2. The alarm didn't go off because the window was open. Only the window screen separated them from the outside and they were on the ground floor, in plain view and accessible from outside.
    And the perpetrator knew the house, because they let him in and even stay for a few days.
    The cop that took her just a few yards away should get fired.

  3. 9m now she tells a story and now she has tv show talk shows crazy why someone Braggs and only spent 9m there are kids that have been longer time I am sorry she went through this but should not be bragging about what happened to get tv show money and a job for being raped sad.

  4. I was molested by a uncle and raped as a adult 2 times by a stranger I can't imagine being held prisoner being raped everyday sometimes multiple times a day for a long 9 months as a child it makes me cringe just thinking about it She is such a courageous, strong 💪 and brave Hero To survive all the abuse and trauma she was forced to endure and she still survived it and God 🙏❤️ Bless her for helping other victimized underage abused kids like herself that were preyed upon by evil perpetrators perverts monster's sex offenders rapist.

  5. They came through price in the Arab outfits. I seen her behind them 50 yards..broad daylight .skipping along…and decided Naw. I almost went over. I submitted the story to the Globe editor Veronica… And got no reply. This was as they were headed to california

  6. I really love Elizabeth smart after all of that stuff she had been through as a captive child to some couple that taken her some years ago, I see that she’s really done a great job on crimewatch daily because look she evolved to become a young woman for that system because I really like the facial she has she’s a very beautiful young woman I would say Way to go for Elizabeth smart crimewatch daily.

  7. It's so terrible what happened to her..and at the same time it's very empowering to see her stand up and tell this story, which I'm sure was an extremely difficult thing to do after all the psychological and physical impact it's undoubtedly had on her over the years, and work toward bringing other/similar cases to light.. (_ _)

  8. Elizabeth Smart is amazing. I am in awe of how she conducts herself through something so harrowing. An amazing inspiration to anybody that has faced trauma as a child, and it tells me that you can never become someone's victim when you keep inside a hold of who you are, like she did with the thoughts of her family and the love they have…again, simply amazing.

  9. I love Elizabeth she's so amazing and sweet genuinely one of the very few true crime journalists i see who really gets hit visibly by the stories and offers nothing but love and sympathy and acceptance to all of them. She's so great I'd love to get to meet her, just because she seems like such a kind person she's like your friend already just talking with her.

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